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According ancient folktale and myth, in the topic of Gods and Goddesses, lies...  
  Cegilune was the patron goddess and supposed mother of the hags, as well as the goddess of similar fell folk and the moon. Still boiling with spite over an ancient crime, the dark lunar deity was driven by vindictiveness, clinging to her divinity only to exact bitter vengeance on those she believed betrayed her.   Cegilune was a truly wretched being of malevolent will, deep hatred and sadistic desire. The suspicious and avaricious hag mistress was filled with resentment and planned to enact bitter revenge against a world that left her behind ages ago.     Description According to her worshippers... Cegilune appeared as a filthy, 10‑foot-tall (3‑meter) hag with mottled, yellow-brown skin, iron-hard claws and a balding scalp from which patches of lank hair flaked off. However, her power to disguise herself meant she could take on a myriad of forms, her usual choice being that of a young human or elven female, a homely crone, or, very rarely, a scruffy goblinoid. She could be recognized when in disguise by the small iron pot she always carried with her.   Worshipers Though Cegilune was "worshiped" by hags, the homage shown to the hag mother was no form of loving adoration. In fact, most hags despised Cegilune, fearing she would demand the information and magical items that they rightfully stole, a fear they were correct to have. Though the hags enacted her dark will by bringing suffering to mortals, they were cruel entities that enjoyed tormenting others and were unlikely to acknowledge powers greater than themselves. The only reason Cegilune was able to prolong her own existence was through magic obtained via soul trade and enforcing worship of herself through power.  
  Powers Cegilune through ancient texts and lost lore tales, used 'Avatars' to take a foothold in certain realms and planes.. An 'Avatar' was a physical manifestation of a deity, in addition an avatar was significantly less powerful than the deity it represented, but on par or beyond the most powerful of mortals. Cegilune's avatars had some of the dangerous qualities of ordinary hags; they had enough power behind their teeth and talons to rend flesh and could change self at will. They were immune to illusions, enchantments, poisons, and death magic, couldn't be harmed without greatly enchanted magical weapons and were barely harmed by acid- or cold-based attacks, although oddly they were vulnerable to petrification. They could create force cages four times each day, kill instantly with their gaze twice a day, and unleash a banshee-like wail once every seven days. As one might expect from a lunar goddess, Cegilune's power waxed and waned with the phases of the moon of the world she was on. In the case where a world had multiple moons, her power was tied to the one specifically associated with evil, and failing that the one with the shortest lunar cycle. At the start of the lunar cycle—namely the days before, during, and after a new moon—she was weaker, unable to use her death gaze, and had diminished magical resistance. At the end of the cycle, however—the days before, during, and after a full moon—both her spells and magical resistance were super-charged and on the specific night of the full moon itself she could cast a lunacy-inducing moonbeam spell.   Rituals Cegilune's places of worship were small, gruesome shrines kept by her devotees next to cauldrons and eating areas. Each night, her worshipers praised her virtues at length while cursing her enemies, escalating the profanity until the night of the full moon closest to the winter solstice, whereupon they would each perform sacrifices in an attempt to devote the greatest torturous agony to her name. She had clerics, who typically contacted night hags when using planar ally spells. Hag covens with a worshiper of Cegilune as a member could also create a Brew of Cegilune's Blessing. By using a bloodstained idol of Cegilune mixed with bits of each coven mate's flesh, a noxious potion could be created that transformed the drinker into a fiend for a week, albeit at the cost of a permanent loss of vitality afterwards.   Rumours and Legends Cegilune was thought to be related to the other sylvan deities in some way, and was allegedly Titania's sister, although given the existence of the Queen of Air and Darkness, this claim was somewhat suspect. There was definitely some relation between the two, with a widely held belief, even among gods, being that Titania and Cegilune were as light and darkness, and that to destroy one was to destroy the other. Others claimed that Cegilune was simply a supremely powerful night hag with god-level powers, and it was also purported that she was the mother of the night hag race. Some theorized she had gifted them with the ability to create altraloths so that they could maintain their dominance over the Gray Wastes, although given her apathy towards them this tale was often discounted.


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