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The King of Red and the Rise of Tardra

Exact knowledge of the original name for the port town that resided where Tardra now stands is only known by the royal family which is passed down for generations, what knowledge the people know of how Tardra was formed is that a simple port town hand by the name of Lasard Mand stood against the mighty Tardrasanze general of the Ancient dragons. When the Ancient dragon came to the port town for the annual offering, Lasard stood alone with a blessed sword in hand, he denied the dragon and fought back against the creature. As a battle ensued Tardrasanze was overwhelmed and in an attempt to flee realizing the power of the human, Lasard jumped from the cliff piercing the creature with a single hit. Tardrasanze fell from the sky, the mighty dragon slaughtered by a mere human. The corpse of Tardrasanze was said to have been offered to the king of Diabero, this single act gave the humans of Toulon hope that they could fight back against the dragons tyrannical reign: with the corpse of Tardrasanze the king of Diabero created legendary weapons and armor which he gave out to the fellow kingdoms of Toulon, with this they sparked a revolution against the dragons. As the era of dragon came to an end the King of Diabero was established as Emperor of Toulon, his first act was knighting Lasard king of Red and established a new kingdom on the western most point of Toulon, the emperor was said to have allowed the new found king to name his kingdom, with his first duty as king he named his kingdom Tardra.


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