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The Story Of The Three Bound Gods

In the category of ancient tales and folklore lies the hidden story of the Three Bound Gods...   So, we begin in the same universe long before the world Acora had; Mad Titans, Dragon Lady’s and Powerful Witches. A rock was built by the light and dark, light and dark translates to in modern terms as Celestials, Demons and Devils.
These beings crafted and named the planet we now know as Acroa, however in the beginning they called it Chirascuro (Chi-ra-scuro) a word from an ancient lost language meaning of light and dark. Both light and dark tried their best efforts to co-exist with one and other, however as you can imagine the fight for power was too great between the 3 sides, and as the tension reached its climax the first war inevitably arrived and the world Acora at the time went into ruin. The Celestials of light relocated to the skies as the surface of Acora went into an endless dark night of terror with the Devils and Demons at constant battle... Mountain landforms sprouted upon the ground of Acroa transforming themselves into deep destructive Volcanos, and as the war of light and dark raged on the Celestials knew that they were fighting a losing battle, and that their hopes for a new humanity to take place on Acora was slowly turning to darkness as well. When all seemed lost and shades of blackness began to close in around them, in their last efforts the Celestials of light choose three of their most powerful beings to once and for all put and end to the darkness and create the new era of light. Their plan? Started with forging three clear empty spheres, these three spheres were all embedded by every strand of magical energy the Celestials had left, and their purpose was to absorb the dark energy imbued within the world of Acora. Each sphere was given to a member of the chosen three. So, with their purpose clear, their wills strong and their hearts brave, they became in that moment the Three Bound Gods.


      Atlas wielded the ancient lost Great Axe Of Destruction, and he had the ability to control all of the landform on Acora!


Nethanus had the ability to control any water source on Acora, he wielded what is known in current time as the ancient lost Sword Of The Water God!  


Ether carried the lost ancient Staff Of Creation, and she had the ability to control all nature on Acora!
After prevailing many types of evil to get to their cores of power, the three Bound Gods knelt with the spheres in their grasp, prying and wishing that they would rid the world of its current terror. All of a sudden, the three spheres from each bound god’s perspective beamed with light.. And darkness around them started to disappear... However this was short lived… The spheres started to lose their beam of light, and the darkness around them began take back its form. This is where it's said that Acora itself saw the first act of real humanity! The three Bound Gods knew that they're spheres did not have enough power to take this endless dark cycle away, but in that moment, they knew what needed to be done… If there is any chance that the world of Acora will see new types of life exist on the planet together it will be because of them… Altas, Nethunas and Ether let their spheres absorb their magical energy as well as their powers, slowly withering away their souls.. and as the deed happened… well at least for Atlas as the sphere voided the power out of him, it starting turning grey and once fully completed and Atlas as nothing but a pile of dust, it became what we now know as the Grey Orb of Acora representing its landform. As for Nethunus and his sphere draining the life out of him, the sphere began to turn blue and as Nethunas turned into a plie of dust the sphere became fully complete, we now know this to be the Blue Orb of Acora representing is water. And finally, for Ether with her sphere depleting her of her magic and life her sphere started to turn green, and as the sphere became fully complete Ether just like Nethunas and Atlas turned to dust. Her sphere turned into what we know now as the Green Orb of Acora representing its plant life, grassland and nature. With the three Bound Gods gone and their newly created orbs beaming with limitless power and endless light, the orbs plunged into the cores of their environment all working together to use the landform orb to create new hills and mountains, the water orb to put out all the fires on Acroa and clear up all the oceans, and the finally using the Green Orb to re-create the planets former plant life and grassland.
This lost tale still lives on in some places around the world, however truly believed by few... Within the story we are currently following with The Forgotten, this ancient folktale was told to them by 'General Rhinehart', and the group later found out that... Well that's a story for another time!
The real question is, do you believe in the Three Bound Gods and their story, or is it just a myth?...


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