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Xanathar The All Seerer

  Xanathar was said to be the first of the beholders you will always see the same drawing of Xanathar in books that refer to this mysterious God. The people of Acora use Xanathar to scare children when they misbehave or tell stories of his wicked deeds around campfires; Little do they know even thinking about this all powerful god allows it to gaze through their very eyes and see what they see and think what they think.
  In some books it will say that Xanathar came to this world before the universe was even created and its power is not matched by any other creature but these are mere myths and fairy tales in the eyes of scholars and historians.

  Their has been one reported sighting of Xanathar and it was published in an autobiography by a scholar named Bellow Kingston. In a singular published book named The Mansion, The Mountain and The Fey Queen. He writes "As I the great Bellow Kingston, Tribi Gummin and Usagai Mitsurashi finally made it to the fey Queen Da...a, we sadly could not snap her out of her own hubris as the looming threat of Azat.... had already began consuming our world tainting our Empress which led to the initial crumbling of the empire itself, it was set to move on to her world next. Dal..... did not heed our warnings and Az....t.. teared through the very fabric of space and began devouring the feywild and all its inhabitants, Da...n.. joined us in battle but the fight was already lost even with my amazing powers it simply kept on fighting. In what I thought was our final moments a man appeared from a blackened portal followed by a demonic white and black winged angel, he anounced himself as Xanathar the All Seeing god he quickly dispached Az......, I thought of him as a guardian angel, a saviour of sorts but that perception of him was quickly tarnished when he incanted a spell I had never seen before... the body of Aza..... and Queen Da.a... were made into one. The Queen and Beast became blackened and transformed into a black sludge of unimaginable mass. Our group quickly realised that this monster posing as a man was not to be trusted, Usagai transformed into her Astral dragon form and got us the hell out of there. When we returned home something wasn't right about it...." see The Mansion, The Mountain and The Fey Queen for more information.


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