The Farmer Who Banished a Demon Myth in Actrein | World Anvil

The Farmer Who Banished a Demon

Written by and bufiogarugi.
Your place is not here, has never been here, and never will be here. Get off of my land, and get out of my sight!
— Zǎr̂ɛ
Zǎr̂ɛ - /zɶʀɛ/
Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ - /luʥɛɪqlɐɹ/
There is a legend told amongst the The Vel Tuturi. The legend is of a man who stood up to Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ, who was said to be a powerful demon. This is the legend of Zǎr̂ɛ, and how he banished Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ.

The Story


In life, Zǎr̂ɛ was said to have been a simple farmer. He had not yet married, had no children, and typically kept to himself. Zǎr̂ɛ was well-liked in his town, despite being quiet and reserved.
Zǎr̂ɛ's childhood is not well-documented, seeing as he was not a significant figure to start with. All that is documented about him is his banishing of Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ.
It is not known how old Zǎr̂ɛ was when Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ began to harass the people in his hometown. Some records state that he was in his late 30s, while others placed him as being older.


It had been a normal day when Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ arrived at Zǎr̂ɛ's hometown and began harassing the people living there. The odd livestock gone missing, crops being torched to ashes, people mysteriously disappearing, windows vanishing during the night, while wells ran dry during the day. Zǎr̂ɛ, the friend to all in the village, spoke to Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ, and asked if he was responsible for the strange events.
To this Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ responded with laughter, and, grabbing a scythe from the field, drove it into the soil. From the scythe rose a great Mist, painted black as the fields that burned, and a fire was ignited in the hearts of the people. Neighbor turned on friend, and began to argue, then fight, first with hands before turning to the tools used for the hunting of beasts.
Zǎr̂ɛ challenged Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ and his actions, but Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ only laughed as he removed the scythe from the ground, gripping it as one would a cane. At this anger swelled in the heart of Zǎr̂ɛ, and he attacked Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ using his knife, as he would a wolf. Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ laughed at his attempt to fight, and batted away his knife, before sinking the scythe's blade into his shoulder.
Confused by the pain, while still blinded by rage, Zǎr̂ɛ felt a power swelling through his core. With a bellowing yell, he released this newfound power at Lu, rending the skies around him, as his knife sank into Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ's chest. Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ looked at the knife, then chuckled, before Zǎr̂ɛ pushed him into a gap in the sky. Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ dropped the scythe, grabbing instead to the seam of air where the hole had formed, and stood his ground at the percipience of the magical rip.
He congratulated Zǎr̂ɛ, for entertaining him thus far, before Zǎr̂ɛ pushed him off of his feet. But Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ would get the last laugh, for when Zǎr̂ɛ gave one final push, driving him through the portal, Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ grabbed his arm, and pulled him down with, into the unknown depths beyond the gate. With its source gone, the tears in the skies closed, leaving no sign that Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ or Zǎr̂ɛ had fought, except for the scythe, thrown into a scorched field, which remained fallow ever onward.


With the banishing of Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ, his touch could not directly tarnish the world again, however the damage had been done. With his actions, the people had been given hatred, and the taint of one's death at the hands of their ilk. Zǎr̂ɛ's sacrifice, meanwhile, paved the way for the discovery of magics beyond the simple earth, air, and fire. Zǎr̂ɛ was hailed as the father of the advanced elements, and is well-respected by spellcasters the world over. In his memory, one lot of farmland is left fallow each year, and in it is placed a scythe, in hopes that as the tool rusts and rots, Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ's influence over the world will wane as well.
You all seemed so kind and helpful, it disgusted me. And since sharing is caring, to you people, why do you complain at sharing some with me?
— Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ, when confronted about his actions by Zǎr̂ɛ
Zǎr̂ɛ: n. honor
Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ: n. monster
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Historical Basis
According to Vel Tuturi historians, this story is absolutely true. Their records state that Luʣ̂ɛǐqlaɹ was banished to The Void, and dragged Zǎr̂ɛ with him.
There are those amongst the Cult of Three Divines who say this legend is entirely false, made up to demonize their god "Father Bufio".

Cover image: by Vertixico


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