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The Interstellar League

Formed at the start of 2241, the Interstellar League is a supra-governmental organization that is recognized by international law by all stellar states. It consists of military servicemen and officers from all major stellar nations, with its high command lying in the hands of a council of generals.   The League was formed after decades of skirmishing above the skies of Alpha Centauri c and d. Resource extraction stations would often change hands every few years, usually after months of sieging and space skirmishes. Those would often result in heavy casualties for the losing side, only for the cycle to be repeated in reverse a few years later. The effect that had on morale became more and more apparent as the fighting dragged on and on. Initially everyone hoped that each engagement would be the final one and peace would finally be signed, only to have their hopes shattered a few years later.   The stalemate was made worse by the fact that none of the stellar states had the capacity to actually gain an overwhelming advantage. Coupled with the fact that these impromptu "wars" were to be kept hidden by the population back in the Solar system, none of the sides could afford to make any overt moves as well if they were to maintain the illusion of peace.   Eventually, in an event known today as simply "The Refusal", soldiers and commanders from all warring sides in Proxima Centauri deserted en masse. Those who stayed at their posts pretended not to see or hear anything. The deserters banded together and decided to form an organisation that is now known as the Interstellar League.   In their open declaration of their manifesto, they announced that they were beholden to no government or nation, but rather to the entirety of humanity. Their stated goal was to end pointless wars between humans, even if it meants using military force. As they had taken with them a large part of the arsenal under their command, the deserters posed a legitimate military threat to all stellar states.   A year after the declaration, the 3 major stellar states (the ECF, the Neo-Soviet Union and the USA) declared war on the Interstellar League, using their desertion as casus belli. The war was mostly fought in the confines of Proxima Centauri, since that is where the bulk of everyone's forces were at the time. The League engaged the newly formed coalition against them using isometric warfare, which was perfect for the vast emptiness of space. The anti-league coalition's morale was also quite low, which further helped the League in this conflict. The war would last for 3 years, culminating in a daring breach of the blockade placed around the navigation beacons linking the Solar system with Proxima Centauri. The League's strike force that slipped through then raced against time to reach Earth and using the element of surprise, dealt crppling blows to the few remaining ships guarding its orbit. With their vessels orbital cannons now pointed at the seats of power of each stellar state, an unconditional ceasefire was negotiated quickly.   The Interstellar League was thus recognized as an official entity which answered to no official government and was granted a seat on the UN council. Additionally, the charter recognizing the League included a section which appointed the League to the role of arbiter in cases where states would otherwise be going to war. The League's sizeable fleet ensured that all states would honor that section, at least initially.   It would not be more than 5 years later when the Neo-Soviet Union and the USA would go to war, which almost escalated to nuclear orbital bombardment. The swift intervention of the League prevented that disaster. With having to fight only 2 enemies, which were also not working together, the League quickly dealt with both the americans and the soviets. Following the resolution of that war, the League convened the UN council, where a new anti-war charter was signed. This new charter practically forbade any and all military action between all states and re-affirmed the ban on the use of nuclear weaponry. Many today hope that this will finally bring permanent peace to humanity.
Military, Space navy

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