Bellus Aeternus Tradition / Ritual in Ad Infinitum | World Anvil
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Bellus Aeternus

"Pfft. That shooger challenges me to a game of Bells? He sure is having an asswhoop coming upto him this evening."   Lorann Sanguinus Meros, a few hours before playing a game of Bellator Mechancius
Bellus Aeternus is a popular board game that is renowned all across the galaxy. The game involves various varities of infantry, armored fighting vehicles, aircraft and many other forms of war machines all pitted together in a battle to the death. The games namesake derives from the unending conflict between, the forces of the Alliance and the legions of Kerr the breaker, with each of them giving no quarter to any combatants of either side.   The three game modes range from skirmishes, which are short battles that are a form of quick play, to full fledged battles, which often involve far more strategy and long term planning to full scale wars that may take months or even years to finish. It is a favourite pastime amongst officers in the various armed forces of the Alliance as well as regular soldiers and NCOs for it sometimes also helps them to gleam at certain aspects of war without risking their lives. It is even taught in the various military academies of the Alliance even, with some rules and other things being tweaked to make it as realistic as possible in depicting wars and battles.


Bellus Aeternus originally developed as a concept from Soras Valcoran, who wanted to teach young recruits, officers and soldiers alike about the aspects of war without putting them through an actual war itself

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Author's Notes

Very WIP article so forgive the bad and bland writing here

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