Drizdi (dree-ZD-e)


Halflings Hidden in the Sand

  The Drizdi are nomadic halflings from the Mesa Dunes who do not believe in the concept of personal possession.   The Drizdi believe that one only owns an item so long as it is on their body. Inhabitants of the Zuvmurt Kingdom, and travelers through the Mesa Dunes, have historically labeled the Drizdi as criminals and thieves.   The historic persecution of the Drizdi folk and their general disdain for coins has resulted in an insular society. Many Drizdi are not accepting of outsiders and they are rarely interested in trade. In recent decades, the Drizdi have also been targeted by Zuvmurt soldiers who have kidnapped and forced them into slavery.  

Enclaves and Mutual Aid

  The Drizdi folk believe in mutual aid. That is, each person contributing according to their abilities and taking only what they need. Drizdi travel in groups of 10-15 adults, plus children. Drizdi call these enclaves. It is common for individual folk to move between enclaves. This is especially true for young adults who may join different enclaves to follow somebody they fancy. Drizdi primarily subsist through a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Enclaves move with the migratory herds of the Mesa Dunes and gather water through underground aquafers and the occasional oasis spring.  

Religion and Magic

Drizdi refer to themselves as Wanderers of the Wind. Their religion falls under the Path of The Communal. As easily as they share food amongst one another, Drizdi Folk also return a small portion of any animal they hunt or plant they gather to the desert. From their offerings, the desert answers. It is through the echoes of the wind that the desert shares their blessings or shows dissatisfaction. Leaders of their enclaves are chosen for their ability to interpret the wind.   Drizdi believe all living things carry droplets of magic and Folk contain a reservoir within themselves which can be channeled into acts of wonder. Drizdi with an affinity for spellcasting are trained as Magi. They have the ability to use the wind to draw out the droplets of magic from the environment. Advanced magi can also tap into their own reservoir, as well as the reservoir of folk nearby. Cooperative spellcasting can be used to protect enclaves from disaster, be it manmade or natural. Magis are warned early in their training, however, to never let themselves or others become too depleted. Magical reservoirs will refill after proper rest, but if they draw too much at once, they risk death.   Tapping into the droplets of magic found in plants, Drizdi folk have concocted herbal magics and remedies that are known to cure ailments and provide protection. Drizdi slaves have hidden their magical traditions from noble family owners on pain of Tournament Sacrifice.  

Sand Stone Dwellings

  During the day, Drizdi stay in underground homes that have been dug into the sandstone hills and mesas. Complex tunnels connect many of these dwellings, but in areas of shifting dunes, tunnel collapses are always imminent. Because of the blistering heat of the Mesa Dunes, as well as risk of kidnapping, Drizdi folk only exit the sand stone complexes in early evening or night.   At its base, all sand stone Dwellings are similar. Rooms include a cook area, a wash area, and a large living and sleeping area with piles of cushions. Ventilation shafts and hidden doors are tunneled through the sandstone. In all dwellings and tunnels, the Drizdi to paint drawings and words of encouragement for the next traveler. These underground sand rock homes slowly transform into graffitied works of art.  

Animal Domestication and Swift Travel

The Drizdi have domesticated some animals to allow for easier transport of resources. One such animal is the Sverda. This large burrowing mammal is useful for transporting items. Drizdi children often form bonds with Sverda and will snuggle beside them while sleeping.   Sand Sliders are a popular form of travel unique to the Drizdi. Sand sliders allow them to quickly traverse down hills, dunes, and mountains. Drizdi can also attach Haragwe to reins and guide the animal from atop the sand sliders. When not in use, Drizdi will strap the sand sliders to their back.  

Free Folk in a Contested Desert

The Zuvmurt Kingdom includes the Mesa Dunes within their borders. Exploratory missions for gold and gemstones, as well as troop movements and raids, have plagued Drizdi folks' once peaceful lifestyle.   Although the Drizdi are staunchly anti-war and anti-intervention, the persistent slave raids have forced these nomads to take action. Younger Drizdi folk developed an Underground Railroad through their tunnel systems to help free their own folk and any other runaway slave.

Major organizations

Outsider Drizdi
  Some Drizdi who visit other settlements have adopted local customs in order to minimize jail time, loss of limb, or death. Those Drizdi folk that have left the Mesa Dunes to immigrate to other settlements or adopted trade and purchase practices of outside villages are labeled outsiders. Although they can return to their family groups, they often carry a mistrustful label for the remainder of their lives. As they sold out by selling to others.  
A Stolen Fruit
  From an oasis of the Mesa Dunes, Drizdi folk learned how to harness the magic of a simple date to transform it into a fruit that allowed the consumer to regain energy without sleep. A noble elf family discovered this secret from a young Drizdi slave. The Zuvmurt kingdom now exports the "ReplenaDate" for a high profit and provides it to their soldiers for use in conquesting the southern lands.  
  The Drizdi wear loose fitting pants, tunics, and scarves to protect themselves from the sun. They dress in shades of sand and rock. Along with their sandy brown skin, Drizdi can fade into the desert landscape. Since personal possessions are defined by items on their person, Drizdi wear a pouch around their neck which holds small sentimental items. Examples include: a pebble from a special place, a lock of hair from a beloved person, or a fallen tooth from a deceased pet. Traveling packs are divided according to strength and typically include salted meat, dried fruit, and water for journeys between Sand Stone Dwellings.  

Skin Tone: light to medium brown

Hair: Coarse. Beige, auburn, brown, black

Eyes: Hazel, brown, black. Often monolid

Related Organizations
Related Locations

Cover image: by Brgfx


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