History of Adazuri

  • 9999 EE

    1 AE

    Age of the Eternals
    Era beginning/end

    A time before record. When the Eternals walked amongst the Mortal Folk.

  • 1 AE

    1 AE

    Magical Eruption
    Geological / environmental event

    More aptly defined as multiple magical surges. The day the Eternals left, an explosion of magic spread across Adazuri, creating Folks and beasts with more potent magics and allowing Folk kind to access power levels they’ve never experienced before.

  • 1 AE

    2272 AE

    Dread Scarlet Age
    Era beginning/end

    The Eternals left Adazuri with too much magic. Those without magic became hunted. In turn, they hunted newly powerful magical beings who meant them no harm. Devils and Demons gave rise to the first of the Fallen Folk, who were desperate for more power.

  • 2765 AE

    2775 AE

    The Eradication
    Disaster / Destruction

    The bloodiest decade of the Dread Scarlet age when low magical folk seeked to eliminate all magical creatures and Folk. Caused the near genocide of many Folk.

  • 2772 AE

    2775 AE

    Mystic Seclusion
    Population Migration / Travel

    The fairies seemed to disappear overnight. Soon after many other magical creatures and folk followed. Later it was discovered they created the Outcast Rondure, where Folk who were hunted for their species could find refuge.

  • 2772 AE

    8164 AE

    Age of the Placid Orbs
    Era beginning/end

    Also called the Age of the New Gods. After the Mystic Seclusion, Folk slowly began to accept those magical beings who were left being. However, cultures were very much segregated, preferring only to share what magical secrets they possessed with their own. During this time, new Gods filled the voids of the Eternals, creating their own Eternal Rondures for the dead who worshipped them.

  • 5723 AE

    5727 AE

    Tiny Fury Rebellion
    Military action

    Halflings and Gnomes banded together to overthrow the giant rulers of the Northern Knolls. After the rebellion and subsequent war, they formed the Northern Knolls democracy, which still exists today.

  • 7831 AE

    8164 AE

    Devils Storm
    Military action

    The Devils Attack on the Mortals. They seeked to reshape the world so that they ruled the entire Rondure. Stopped only through the Brave endeavors of Alykin Tifwado and the power of the Syzergy.

  • 8164 AE

    Renascence Echo Age
    Era beginning/end

    An age where Folk of all backgrounds join together to share their magical knowledge. It is an age of increased access to information and rapid growth in technology. What this age will bring, nobody knows.

  • 8165 AE

    8168 AE

    Rebuilding of Tifwado City
    Construction beginning/end

    The rebuilding of Tifwado City and its transformation into the Independent City of Tifwado was one of the first projects undergone after the end of the Devils' Storm. It took three years and Folk from across the Western Continent helped to pay for its expenses and volunteered labor. Through doing so, they felt part ownership of the New City meant for all Folk Kind. The Fifuaga Family was particularly pivotal in creating the most advanced infrastructure through their use of Efflorescent Quartz.

  • 8190 AE

    8190 AE

    Founding of Alykin Adventurer's Academy

    Twenty years after the Alykin Heroic Adventuring League was founded, Alykin decided to open an academy for all aspiring adventurers to attend. The AHA Academy is home to some of the bravest adventurers in the land.