Skjoll Species in Adea Archives | World Anvil


"Skjolls" are quadrupedal sapient reptiles. They are often found to be infiltrators, rescue workers, and mechanics, as they can fit into tight spaces and move very quickly. Additionally, they are good divers as they can hold their breath for up to forty-five minutes.

Basic Information


Skjolls are quadrupedal, sapient reptiles that are roughly the size of an iguana. They are often found working as infiltrators, rescue workers, and mechanics due to their ability to fit into tight spaces and move quickly. Skjolls are also skilled divers and are able to hold their breath for up to 45 minutes, making them well-suited to underwater exploration. One of the most distinctive features of Skjolls are their large, expressive eyes that change color based on their mood. Skjolls have a high density of rod cells in their eyes, which allow them to see well in low light conditions. This, combined with their ability to sense vibrations through their vibrissae and specialized organs, make Skjolls incredibly sensitive and precise in their interactions with their environment.   Skjolls have a streamlined body shape, with overlapping scales that provide protection and help regulate their body temperature. They are ectothermic, or "cold-blooded," and rely on external sources of heat to regulate their metabolism. Skjolls have a digestive system that is adapted to processing a variety of foods, including plant matter and small animals, and a respiratory system that allows them to extract oxygen from both air and water.   Overall, Skjolls are fascinating creatures with a unique set of adaptations that make them well-suited to a variety of environments and tasks. Their ability to see in low light conditions, sense vibrations, and hold their breath for extended periods of time makes them skilled divers and explorers, while their dexterous toes and streamlined bodies make them effective at navigating tight spaces. Their ability to communicate through body language and technology, as well as their friendly demeanor, make them valuable members of many inter-species communities.

Biological Traits

As previously mentioned, Skjolls are roughly the size of an iguana, with an average height of around 60 cm from head to tail. They typically weigh around 3-4 kg, although there may be some variation depending on gender and other factors. In terms of lifespan, Skjolls can live up to 180 years, although their life expectancy may vary depending on factors such as environmental conditions, disease, and injury. They reach sexual maturity around the age of 25, and may reproduce throughout their adult lives.

Genetics and Reproduction

Skjolls reproduce sexually, with males and females possessing internal reproductive organs. However, they have a unique reproductive cycle compared to other reptiles. Instead of laying eggs, female Skjolls give birth to live young. The young are born with a high degree of development, and are able to move and communicate almost immediately after birth. In terms of genetics, Skjolls have a diploid genome consisting of 40 chromosomes, with a mixture of autosomes and sex chromosomes. They have been found to have a high degree of genetic diversity, with a large number of unique alleles and high levels of heterozygosity. This genetic diversity is thought to be important for their ability to adapt to changing environments and maintain healthy populations over time.   Skjolls are also known for their advanced technological abilities, which they have developed over centuries of scientific exploration and experimentation. Their advanced knowledge of genetics and biotechnology has allowed them to further enhance their abilities and extend their lifespan, among other things.   Overall, Skjolls are a unique and advanced species with a reproductive cycle and genetic makeup that are distinct from other reptiles. Their advanced technological abilities and long lifespan make them a fascinating species to study and learn about.

Growth Rate & Stages

Skjolls have a unique growth rate and stages compared to other reptiles. They are born with a high degree of development, and are able to move and communicate almost immediately after birth. This is due to their advanced genetics and biotechnology, which allows them to develop quickly and efficiently. Skjolls go through several stages of growth as they mature. In the first stage, they are known as "juveniles," and they continue to grow and develop rapidly. During this stage, Skjolls develop their physical abilities and begin to explore their environment.   After the juvenile stage, Skjolls enter the "adolescent" stage. This is a period of increased learning and exploration, as Skjolls begin to develop their intellectual abilities and engage in more complex social interactions.   Finally, Skjolls reach the "adult" stage, where they are fully mature and have reached their maximum physical and intellectual potential. Skjolls in the adult stage are known for their advanced technological abilities and scientific knowledge.   Skjolls continue to grow and develop throughout their long lifespan, with some individuals living up to 180 years. Their unique growth rate and stages reflect their advanced genetics and biotechnology, and allow them to thrive in their environment and maintain healthy populations over time.

Ecology and Habitats

Skjolls are a highly adaptable species and can thrive in a variety of environments, both on their homeworld and on other planets. However, they prefer environments that are warm and humid, with access to water sources for swimming and diving. They are also capable of tolerating low light conditions due to their excellent night vision. In terms of their interaction with their place of habitation, Skjolls are known for their advanced technological abilities and have developed sophisticated living spaces that are tailored to their specific needs. These dwellings often incorporate advanced biotechnology, including artificial lighting and climate control, to create the optimal environment for Skjolls to live and thrive in.   Skjolls are also skilled at integrating with other cultures and technologically advanced civilizations, as they have developed a sophisticated understanding of communication and social interaction. They are often employed as infiltrators, rescue workers, and mechanics, due to their ability to fit into tight spaces and move quickly. Skjolls also have a reputation for being friendly and cooperative, making them valued members of multi-species communities.   Overall, Skjolls are a highly adaptable species that can thrive in a variety of environments, and have developed advanced technologies to optimize their living spaces.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Skjolls are omnivorous and have a varied diet that consists of both plant and animal matter. When hunting, Skjolls are known for their speed and agility, using their powerful legs and toes to chase down prey. They are also skilled at hunting in water, thanks to their ability to hold their breath for up to 45 minutes and their webbed toes that allow them to swim and dive with ease.   Skjolls are also capable of producing their own food sources through advanced biotechnology. They are known for their ability to cultivate and maintain a variety of plant species using advanced hydroponic systems and artificial lighting.

Biological Cycle

As a reptilian species, Skjolls are ectothermic, meaning their body temperature is regulated by the external environment. This means that changes in seasonal temperature and environmental conditions can have a significant impact on their biology. During colder seasons, Skjolls may experience a decrease in their metabolic rate, leading to a decrease in activity and a period of reduced growth. Some Skjolls may enter a period of hibernation or brumation, where they enter a state of reduced metabolic activity to conserve energy during the colder months.   In warmer seasons, Skjolls may experience an increase in their metabolic rate, leading to an increase in activity and growth. They may also engage in behaviors such as sunbathing or basking in order to raise their body temperature and increase their metabolic rate.   While Skjolls do not shed their skin like many other reptiles, they may experience changes in their skin pigmentation as a result of environmental changes. For example, their skin may become darker in response to increased exposure to sunlight, which helps to protect them from harmful UV radiation.   Overall, changes in environmental conditions and seasonal changes can have a significant impact on the biology of Skjolls, leading to changes in their metabolic rate, activity level, and skin pigmentation. However, their advanced genetics and biotechnology allow them to adapt and thrive in a variety of conditions.


Skjolls are highly intelligent and social creatures, known for their friendly and curious personalities. They have a complex communication system that includes body language, scent marking, and advanced technology-based communication systems, which allows them to interact with their environment and with other species. Skjolls are highly adaptable and resourceful, able to quickly learn and develop new skills in order to navigate a variety of environments and situations. They are also highly creative and innovative, using their advanced technological abilities to solve problems and create new solutions.   In terms of their psychology, Skjolls are known for their strong emotional intelligence and empathetic nature. They are able to sense and respond to the emotional states of other individuals, and are often drawn to helping others in need. This makes them highly valued as rescue workers and caretakers.   Skjolls are also highly curious and adventurous, with a strong desire to explore and discover new things. They are often drawn to technology and other advanced systems, and are known for their skill in repairing and maintaining complex machinery.   Overall, Skjolls have a complex and fascinating behavior and psychology. They are highly intelligent, adaptable, and social creatures, with a strong desire to explore and interact with their environment and with other species.

Civilization and Culture


The early years of Skjoll society were marked by rapid technological development. They began to construct tools and weapons made from bone and stone, which allowed them to hunt more efficiently and defend themselves against predators. As they continued to develop, Skjolls started to build crude structures for shelter, which eventually evolved into complex underground dwellings that provided protection from harsh weather and other dangers.   Over time, Skjolls began to develop more advanced technologies, such as irrigation systems for agriculture, metalworking for more durable tools and weapons, and eventually, spacefaring technology. However, they maintained a strong connection to their roots as a species that values practicality and resourcefulness above all else.   Despite the rapid pace of technological development, Skjolls never lost their sense of community and cooperation. They worked together to build their cities and develop their technology, and their social structure evolved to support the needs of the group as a whole. This helped to ensure their survival and eventual expansion into other parts of the galaxy.   The first encounters between the Vikir and the Skjoll were significant for both species. For the Skjoll, it marked the beginning of their introduction to interstellar travel and technology, while for the Vikir, it was an opportunity to expand their reach and gain a new species as workers. The first encounter happened when a Vikir exploration team stumbled upon the Skjoll homeworld of Themanet. The Vikir were initially surprised by the level of technological advancement the Skjoll had achieved, especially given their reptilian appearance. They quickly made contact with the Skjoll and found them to be friendly and resourceful, willing to help the Vikir in any way they could.   The Vikir started bringing the Skjoll along on their expeditions to other worlds and even brought some of them to their own settled worlds as workers. Despite initial hesitation, the Skjoll quickly adapted to their new role and proved to be excellent workers. The two species formed a close bond, with the Skjoll learning much from the Vikir and the Vikir gaining a new species to help them in their endeavors.   Over time, the Skjoll began to develop their own interstellar travel technology and started venturing out into the galaxy on their own. They maintained close ties with the Vikir, but also formed relationships with other species and gained a reputation for being friendly and helpful to all.   Despite the occasional tensions that arise between the two species due to the Vikir's imperialistic attitudes, the relationship between the Vikir and the Skjoll remains strong to this day, with both species benefiting from their mutual cooperation and friendship.
150-180 years
Average Height
5,5-6,7 cm
Average Weight
3-4 kg
Average Length
55-65 cm


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