

Once a peasant child in a forgotten village, now a woman living an independent life of thievery. She has cast away her family, fellow villagers, and friends for a life of freedom to do whatever her selfishness desires. Her best friend is deception, her lover is betrayal. This mysterious woman seems to almost always have a smile cracked across her face. She doesn't seem to take anything serious, and finds even her own mistakes to be exciting.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

She witnessed something gruesome at an extremely young age which in turn has greatly affected her personality and moral compass.

Morality & Philosophy

She is a sociopath who doesn't care nor grow attached to anyone. Whether someone is hurt or dies is no concern to her.

Personality Characteristics


She is motivated by money, and anything that excites her such as dangers to others or even her own life.

Vices & Personality flaws

Her greed is her main flaw. Gold coins will persuade her enough to do just about anything that is asked. If she sees a chest or any sign of riches, that is her first priority.


Family Ties

Mother and father who are both deceased, and her grandparents were last seen in the village she grew up in.

Religious Views

She does not believe in any gods and chalks up anything relating to such as simple magic.

Social Aptitude

She uses her silver tongue in attempts to getting what she wants.

Hobbies & Pets

Trickery, deception, or pretty much anyway to get under people's skins. The same can apply to getting her hands on as much gold coins as possible.


She speaks calmly although it comes off as malicious sounding.

Wealth & Financial state

As like a dragon, she gathers up as much riches as she possibly can. This has led to her becoming considerably wealthy in the process.

A young woman dressed in black rogue attire wielding her daggers and her sinister smile. She is quite calm, but filled with greed.

Current Location
Dragons Wings
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
Dragons Wings
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
120 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Elemi, I have a bone to pick with you!" - Kazo playing with the remains of a body.
Known Languages
Common Dwarvish Elvish Theives' Cant Orc Goblin


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