
(Minor spoiler warning for 'The Secret of The Zipacna Dragons')   Delthurk is a military base built by the elves beside Zipacna. It was built specifically to eradicate the Zipacna dragons. It has an elven system of government, though is somewhat simplified because of the base's limited roles and singular purpose towards riding the world of the dragons. Delthurk survives through the support of other nations, mostly elven, that value Delthurk's commitment against dragons. The only exception to this is the baseline support that they receive from the amesha nation of Aristahl. Aristahl even contributed to the building of Delthurk by cutting down the forest land surrounding their nation. Of late, Delthurk has become more desperate for support. With many dragons congregating at Zipacna and away from other nations of Adijari, the idea that dragons are a threat has slowly been fading. To compensate for this, Delthurk is taking more chances to gather support and resources. They are promising that if the nations of the world give generously one final time, they will be able to wage a final onslaught upon Zipacna, and rid Adijari of the multitude that live there.


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