Kaloepari Tradition / Ritual in Adijari | World Anvil


Kaloepari was developed by Shupram and the seven masters. The seven masters who had different body types allowed the deity to inhabit them so he could use his spiritual power to learn about dev bodies and their magnificent potential. Shupram and the seven masters studied the mind, body, and soul connection. Unlike rising dev traditions that focused on developing the dev light connection, Kaloepari was expansive in its study of the connection between devs and the wider world. This included connections to the earth, the atmosphere, and other animals, disciplines that belonged to the other races of Adijari and thus were viewed by many devs as blasphemic and unpure. Kaloepari philosophy argue it is the purest and most wholesome art form for its respect of devs universal connections alongside their natural alliance with light.   Kaloepari is a martial art that respects fluidity. Many of the maneuvers involve moving around opponents and flowing momentum into powerful debilitating strikes.


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