Manticore Species in Adijari | World Anvil


Manticores are just a couple feet in length. They reside in dense jungle and have only ever been seen at night. They have the head of a male lion inclusive of a mane, and a face that is somewhere between human and lion. The body and tail is that of a brown scorpion. The sight of them can be very arresting which is a problem, because just a couple seconds of eye contact can enrage them enough to leap towards you and attack. Both the manticore's teeth and tail are poisonous, though they transmit very different poisons. A bite from a manticore will start to rot flesh almost immediately. The poison wears away after a couple hours, but by that time can consume half a limb or an organ, and so can be fatal. There are remedies that can halt the poison if applied in time, but the longer the wound is untreated, the more flesh is lost. If stung by the tail, the body becomes limp, and remains limp for days before death takes over. It is a frightful way to die, to be stung while in the jungle and helpless until you pass. Even if by some miracle you are able to escape after being stung with the assistance of others, there is no known cure. Despite one legend of the Harsham tribe succeeding in saving a life centuries ago, it is believed that that was a special case. The tail venom is said to be magical in nature which is why there is no antidote. Many shamans believe that the tail venom does damage to the soul as well as the body, and has ramification on the person's after life. This aligns with other supernatural beliefs about the manticore. The fact that the creatures materialize at night and de-materialize during the day supports the belief that they are some kind of combination of animal and vengeful human spirit.


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