
I have regretted even holding such an object. The sword itself feels unnatural, and fills me with dread. I feel its shadows calling out to me—trying to corrupt me—but I will not give in. I shall banish this disgraceful blade back to the depths from which it came, so that no one shall fall to its dastardly influence...
— Adran Sagespirit

Mechanics & Inner Workings

World of Tourceia



Uncommon Requires Attunement

Blade of Darkness. This sword has 4 charges, by expending one charge it’s wielder can cast the Shadow Blade spell. It regains 1d4 charges at dawn.   Tongue of Demons.Allows its wielder fluency in Abyssal.   Banisher of Light.Allows its wielder to suck the light out of a 30 foot area of their choice.

A seemingly dark iron shortsword, with a ring both on its pommel, and one connecting it’s hilt to the blade. It’s hilt is made from the hide of a creature like no mortal has seen before, and it is warm to the touch. The blade itself has strange writings on it, and sometimes a shadowy tendril originating from the ring flicks across, disappearing soon after.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 1d6 +proficiency bonus Slashing

Cost: N/A
Weight: 2lbs



Born from the shadowy depths of Seselis, the blade was forged by none other than Tamsa herself. Although, the weapon was not for her. She created it to give to her champion, some creature who proved their worth in combatting the light. Although, she swore she would give it not just to anyone.   To begin the creation process, the shadow creatures that roam Seselis, and are commanded by Tamsa, mined Demonite, a special metal found only in Karalmir. This metal is the polar opposite of Deimetal. Where Deimetal is colorful, Demonite is dark. While Deimetal inspires good people, Demonite frightens them. Demonite is also the only metal known that is able to hold it’s own against Deimetal. These factors make it the preferred material for the Dark Gods of Karalmir. Once the unrefined Demonite ore was gathered, Tamsa refined the ore in a volcano with a substance similar to lava, but imbued with darkness, as Tamsa did not wish for light to touch the sword during its creation. Once the Demonite was molten, Tamsa poured the liquid metal into a cast, creating the base of the weapon.   The sword and hilt are one piece, with the only separate part of weapon being the demon leather wrapped around its hilt. To acquire this leather however, Tamsa sought out one of her most prized creations. The nabassu. These wretched creatures, hated by the other demons for their soul-devouring properties, are loved by Tamsa because the properties of their skin. The nabassu are able to suck the light out of a small area, and the effected area cannot be illuminated unless the nabassu itself wishes it. Once the unlucky nabassu was found by Tamsa, she flayed the living demon. Tamsa then enchanted the skin to amplify its power threefold, and give the wielder control over its light-destroying nature. Unknown to Tamsa, because this property would not be obvious to her, the leather also allows the wielder to become fluent in Abyssal. Tamsa fit the leathery skin to the hilt of the sword, and began the final enchantment to the sword.   Tamsa took the blade, and cut herself, spilling her blood on the blade. She let it soak in the darkest part of Seselis, and it became imbued with the power of darkness itself. Shadowy tendrils now flicked across the blade, and when activated the entire blade became wreathed in a storm of darkness. When used to attack in this shadow-wreathed form, large shadowy tendrils dart forth from the blade and batter the wielder’s opponent. With this final enchantment achieved, Tamsa carved runes bearing the weapon’s name into the blade: Atspal.


Atspal has been used by tyrannical demons for century, and commands respect even within the depths of Karalmir. Its most significant achievement however, was being wielded by Tamsa to free Mirtis. The Demonite blade, combined with its dark magic, allowed it to break through the light-imbued Deimetal chains binding the Primordial of Death. However, in the midst of the divine clash that followed, the sword was acquired by Steve George, a founder of RBOSTI. Steve went on to attune to the sword, and now keeps it on his person at all times—as it is his most prized possession.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Atspal is a one of a kind weapon. Forged from Demonite, and for the champion of Tamsa herself, it is impossible to replicate such a sword.
34 inches long
Raw materials & Components
  • Demonite
  • Nabassu Hide
  • Dark Magic