Elandril Laraethan

High Prince (Wistonland) / Lieutenant (Twisted Blades) Elandril Aetris Laraethan (a.k.a. Elandril Larae)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elandril is in very good physical shape.

Body Features

Elandril has medium-size, defined muscles.

Apparel & Accessories

Elandril wears black and red clothes with gold details. He wears a jet black cloak with a large hood. The cloak is emblazoned with a gold symbol of The Twisted Blades on the interior. He wears a thin gold chain and a gold ring on his right hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elandril was born in the Wistonlandic Theocracy to Greywynn and Tandoril Laraethan. He had a good life, up until the age of 100. His father had always been a power-hungry king, but something had sparked an interest in immortality in him. He became obsessed with finding a way to live forever, but was unwilling to try things on himself before knowing if they worked. Because of this, he experimented on his son instead. He had a particular interest in vampirism, as he had heard a rumor that vampire lords were immortal and unkillable. He started slowly giving Elandril cursed blood in his food, but when that didn’t work he started trying more extreme methods. Eventually, by the time he was 105, Elandril spent whole days in his father's dungeon being experimented on. The final experiment done on Elandril involved a cursed dagger, and the blood of a vampire. After this, Elandril fell gravely ill and was bedridden for a few weeks. During this time, Elandril's mother began to grow suspicious of the 'trips' Elandril and his father were taking, and confronted Tandoril about it. That night, Tandoril killed Elandril's mother in an effort to cover up his crimes. What he didn’t know however, is that Elandril was watching the whole thing. Tandoril said that his wife had been killed in a freak carriage accident, but this was a lie. Eventually Tandoril discovered that Elandril knew the truth about his mother's demise. Fearing for his life, Elandril fled the country when he was 106, taking with him a small portion of the royal treasury, a royal raven named Keturi, one of the weapons his father used in his experiments, and a royal guard that he had grown up with. He lived in the forests of The Desolated Peaks for a few months, and was forced to eat raw meat to survive. This, he believes, is how his vampiric abilities started to manifest. Elandril was ashamed of the monster he thought he was, and sought out a way to cure his vampirism. Heigolor Goltorah and Elandril worked doing various crimes and searching for a cure for vampirism until Elandril was about 107. During this time they became great friends, and Heigolor—for many years—was the only person who Elandril has told about his true past. When Elandril was almost 108, he and Heigolor separated to forge their own paths. They separated on good terms, and hoped to see one another again eventually. For the next four years Elandril worked for various thieves guilds, learning how to sneak and kill with precision. He eventually found a guild that he fit into, called The Twisted Blades and climbed the ranks until he was a lieutenant. This thieves guild was the one that told him that Heigolor was imprisoned. He went to try to free him, but failed. Then he saw a tall warrior bust him out and take him through a portal. Elandril followed him through and found himself in the middle of the Greenfellian Archipelago.

Gender Identity





Elandril is highly educated. He was tutored until the age of sixteen by royal tutors, and trained under the Twisted Blades for an additional four years.


Elandril currently works as a lieutenant of the assassination branch of The Twisted Blades.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Elandril has carried out more than 40 successful assassinations and climbed to the 3rd highest rank in The Twisted Blades.

Mental Trauma

When Elandril was young, his father used to perform dark experiments on him. This has caused him to associate Castle Laraethan with horrible memories, and he is still scared to venture into Castle Laraethan to confront his father.

Morality & Philosophy

Elandril believes that one should only take a life if it is necessary.

Personality Characteristics


Elandril is motivated by a need to gain enough power to defeat his father. Deep down, he is also motivated by a need to make others think highly of him, although he doesn't know this.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Elandril is especially good at manipulating others with his words.

Likes & Dislikes

Elandril dislikes those who dont value cleanliness as much as he does, and those who use ‘barbaric’ language.


Elandril values hygiene very highly, as he was born into nobility and raised with a expectation of cleanliness.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
On a mission to kill his father
Current Location
Date of Birth
29th of Tvarstune, 106 R.H>
Year of Birth
106 R.H. 219 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Heir to the Throne of Wistonland
Laraethan Castle
Current Residence
A medium sized home on the outskirts of the Tutherian Empire, provided by The Twisted Blades
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Tan
125 lbs
Believes in the Elvish pantheon, but especially respects Prieblanda, Gudru, and Medz, as they relate to his work
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Elandril is fluent in Elvish, Common, Draconic, and Thieves' Cant.