



  Kalejim is the prison dimension originally created by Gyven to hold Mirtis. Later, it was converted into a prison for the worst beings across the planes, while still housing Mirtis of course. However, after the recent escape of Mirtis, the plane of Kalejim has been bound to the rest of Karaldem, becoming the first layer of Death’s Realm. The ever expanding prison layer is a bleak and highly fortified compound, which is always able to take in more prisoners, and is almost impossible to travel to from other planes without significant magical assistance. Additional information can be found on Kalejim's respective wiki page.  


  Engiazem, the Oppressor’s Land. Ruled by the infamously cruel Spauda, Engiazem is a place devoid of freedom and justice, and is instead home to massive censorship, mass surveillance, limited freedom of movement between the other layers, etc. Almost all aspects of life in Engiazem are controlled, which is impressive considering its demonic inhabitants. While this absolute control makes it difficult to leave Engiazem, it also makes it extremely difficult to enter, which is why it has been strategically placed as the buffer zone between Kalejim and the rest of Karalmir. Additional Information can be found on Engiazem's respective wiki page.  


  Zinschem, Schemer’s Web. Ruled by the cunning Schemeris, Zinschem is the deception capital of Karalmir. Devoid of transparent truth, Zinschem is a place where demons are always looking over their shoulders and trying to catch someone in a lie. Only the smartest of demons are able to survive the harsh social conditions of Zinschem. Mercenaries run rampant within Zinschem, always looking to raise themselves in the demonic hierarchy. The art of the deal is extremely important within Zinschem, and it is not uncommon to see magically binding contracts, with a hefty price should they be broken. Favors are the main currency within Zinschem, and those with the most favors owed to them are often at the top of Zinschem’s hierarchy. Additional Information can be found on Zinschem's respective wiki page.  


  Krauvon, the Bloodbath. Ruled by the ruthless and sadistic Negarbe, Krauvon is the most violent plane in Karalmir. A layer without honor, blood runs black through the plains of Krauvon. Only the strongest of demons can endure the constant warring nature of this layer. Although, the violence and constant fighting within this layer of Karalmir have made it the perfect candidate to train the Demon Armies of Karalmir, commanded by the Dark Gods themselves. It is here that many demons earn their evolutionary growth. It is common to see demon tribes fighting over territory, and to see the stronger demons bully or even outright murder their lesser kin. The demons here fight with no honor, anything goes in Krauvon. Additional Information can be found on Krauvon's respective wiki page.  


  Nemet, the Uncharted. Ruled by the ignorance-bringing Nezino, Nemet is the layer where knowledge shrivels. Nobody who enters Nemet can quite understand what this layer is. They know not why they came, or where they were going. They simply exist. There are no maps of Nemet. Those who enter often stay, because they simply cannot think of anything else to do. There is no purpose, besides to destroy knowledge. Very few can know anything within Nemet, and those who do use very powerful magic to do so. Ignorance traps all within its borders. Additional Information can be found on Nemet's respective wiki page.  


  Betem, the Lawless Land. Ruled by the chaotic Chaosas, Betem is an anarchical layer. Although most of the layers of Karalmir don’t adhere to many laws, Betem adheres to none, natural and social alike. It is ruled by criminals, serial killers, and the like. The layer’s geography is a mess of upside down mountains, floating water, and plants that seem to bathe in fire. A land hard to traverse, only the most experienced of travelers can get around Betem. Nothing there is what one would expect, and as such can even hurt the mind of some just to see or think about the landscape and inhabitants. There is no order in Betem. There are no laws. There is only chaos. Additional Information can be found on Betem's respective wiki page.  


  Okulu, the Occult. Ruled by the god of black magic Ragana, Okulutas is the black magic center of the universe. The place where all the dark magic was born. The demons that reside here are often practitioners of the dark arts themselves, and use magic more than any of their kin. The most powerful of these magic users often rise to the top of Okulu’s hierarchy. It is not uncommon to see magic being used for the simplest of tasks within Okulu, and while it is home to dark magic, most normal spells are used here as well. The residents of this black magic filled layer are always looking for new spells and ways to hurt the True Pantheon and get ahead in Karalmir. Additional Information can be found on Okulu respective wiki page.  


  Nelaime, the Layer of Misfortune. Ruled by the wrathful Kata, Nelaime is perhaps the harshest geographical layer within Karalmir. The landscape is covered in active volcanoes, and plagued by cyclones, hurricanes, tornados, famine, earthquakes, etc. Traversing this plane is especially difficult and generally requires a guide or immense skill. Only the hardiest of demons can survive in Nelaime. Nelaime has also been known to force species of demons to evolve, at least those who stick around long enough. There is no real hierarchy within Nelaime; there are only the survivors, and the dead. Additional Information can be found on Nelaime's respective wiki page.  


  Lidnia, Sorrow’s Grip. Ruled by the gloomy Niurum, Lidnia is a place that invokes people’s greatest sorrows to turn into the most depressing layer of Karalmir. Upon the horizon sits a soft blue light, subtly implying the existence of a sun that will never rise. Traversing this plane is especially difficult because it manifests horrid memories from those who enter it, driving some mad with grief. Most demons who pass through Lidnia are unaffected by this property, as they don’t grieve, they have no remorse. Those who are affected however, often never make it out, lying in the corrupt dirt shivering, crying, lifeless shells of their former selves. Those who prey on grief however, often make it to the top of the hierarchy in Lidnia, using others' grief as their own source of power. Additional Information can be found on Lidnia's respective wiki page.  


  Irimas, the Decaying Layer. Ruled by the herbicidal Nudzi, Irimas is a place severely lacking in greenery. Any living plant or beast instantly begins to die once brought into Irimas. A plant could be fully wilted within minutes, and the flesh of beasts decay within hours. Upon their demise, these beasts and plants are corrupted by the soil of Irimas, turning them into corrupted servants of Nudzi. The plants turn a purplish gray and emit a noxious smell. The beasts on the other hand, are left looking like a rotted corpse, they shamble along the ground with what’s left of their decayed flesh hanging barely onto the bone, in addition to this they constantly emit the rotting stench of death. Traversing this plane is difficult because even the most useful plants have become harmful to humanoids, and the corrupted beasts are extremely aggressive. However the properties of these plants seem to have become increasingly useful for the demonic residents of Karalmir, causing this layer to be one of the most heavily farmed. Additional Information can be found on Irimas' respective wiki page.  


  Griuve, the Land of Ruins. Ruled by the destructive Kata, Griuve is a land plagued by destruction. Craters, rubble, blood, and the like dot the landscape on this layer. Forests are burned, mountains have huge holes blast into their sides, large sinkholes frequently open up, etc. There are barely any denizens of Griuve, due to the fact that anything built will inevitably crumble within a month. Nomadic demons are the only inhabitants of this layer, although they are few and far between. The destructive nature of this layer have also made it the perfect place for the Dark Gods to test their weapons, as the land is already mostly uninhabitable. Additional Information can be found on Griuve's respective wiki page.  


  Seselis, the Shadow Realm. Ruled by the Queen of Darkness herself, Seselis is possibly the most terrifying layer of Karalmir, based on the overwhelming sense of nothingness. There is no light. There is only a pitch black void of darkness. The creatures that live here… are terrifying to say the least. Humanoids, dragons, beasts, plants, are all corrupted by the shadows of this layer. Anything that stays here long begins to change, turning into a being of pure evil. A being that can harness the shadows for themselves. A being so perverse that they cannot be changed back. The transformation is permanent. This layer is filled with those unfortunate beings who did not leave in time. Ruled over by Tamsa and forever cursed to be—well—a shadow of their former selves. And an evil and despicable shadow at that. Travelling over a completely dark landscape is not the challenge of this layer. It is the evils within that darkness. Additional Information can be found on Seselis' respective wiki page.  


  Negyve, the Dead Kingdom. The final layer. The layer of Mirtis himself. This twisted layer is the worst in all of Karalmir. Negyve is the meeting place of the dark gods, it is where they plan their campaign against the True Pantheon. All of the Twelve have a seat within Negyve, with Mirtis' being the largest as head of the Pseudopantheon. Negyve is home to sprawling cities, home to the demigod children of the Dark Gods, with the undead as their slaves. Anyone whom perishes within Negyve is immediately turned into an undead servant of Mirtis. Demons, surprisingly, are scarce at this layer. Only the most powerful of demons are allowed to enter Negyve, serving as guards of major cities, and as the generals of the undead. This layer is also unable to be travelled to from other planes. No amount of known magic is known to be able to break through the planar defenses of this layer. Additional Information can be found on Negyve's respective wiki page.
Plane of Existence