Shifting Constrictor

I’ve never felt more fortunate in my life. Yinric and I were on a diplomatic mission to Cudford, when that damned snake got to me. I couldn’t speak to cast a spell to free myself, nor cry for help. The force of which my lungs were being squeezed made me feel as though they may have exploded at any moment. Luckily, Atsa had just returned from a hunt and had better sense than Yinric. She shook the illusive serpent off of me—almost surely saving my life.
— Prince Zauberer to Adran Sagespirit

Basic Information


One unfamiliar with the shifting constrictor may mistake is for one of Tourceia’s many mundane snakes, as—on its own—the constrictor doesn’t appear very different from its other serpentine brethren. Although, even without knowing its special abilities, the constrictor’s average length of 13 feet and weight of over one hundred pounds makes it an intimidating beast all on its own. It’s body is well muscled, rippling as it slithers along the ground. This is most likely due to their hunting and living habits. Their scales are smaller than most other snake species, despite the constrictor being on the larger end of the scale.

Genetics and Reproduction

Although, the constrictors do tend to come together during the spring of each year, where they attempt to find a mate. The mating pairs tend not to stick together very long, with the mother often leaving her young as soon as she lays the egg. The father, however, stays with the eggs for the two months until they hatch and then for about another year after the hatching. At this point the snakelets have usually learned to control their illusory powers enough to where they are able to survive on their own. A constrictor is typically fully grown after about three years, although they reach sexual maturity after about two years.

Ecology and Habitats

Shifting constrictors are most common in the rainforests along the Cudford-Berfordian border. They enjoy these rainforests because of the surplus of places to hide, as well as the bountiful wild fruits and small animals they can hunt for food. The temperature there is also warm year-round, which is perfect for the constrictors, as—like most serpents—they are cold-blooded.

Territorial Interactions

Shifting constrictors tend to have a “home territory” of about 10 square feet. This area typically consists of their nest, and sometimes the dead carcasses of a few small animals—typically stray rodents. Constrictors do not tolerate other creatures entering their home territory, and will often kill anything that enters into it for what they deem a too lengthy amount of time. If another constrictor enters its home territory, a fight for dominance is inevitable. In addition to their home territory, the constrictors also have about a square mile of hunting territory, where they will go to find large prey to consume for meals—often deer. This also tends to be the area from which they get their water. They hunting territories of constrictors often overlap with each other, but fights do not often break out over them.


The constrictors generally tend to nest underground in their “home territories,” and will typically dig 3-5 feet under the rainforest floor. The entrance to their nests tend to be camouflaged by decomposing leaves, or other forms of thick vegetation. Their nest generally only consists of a small area where they can safely sleep, although the females may make a larger area to leave their eggs.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like most serpents, the constrictors are solitary creatures by nature, often coming together for only one purpose: to kill. This is rare however, as just one of these serpents is a force to be reckoned with and multiple are not usually required.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Military Speculation

The constrictors' habitat along Cudfords shared border with Berfordia has led to speculation that they may have been placed there as a sort of defense mechanism by the Cudfords, as their people specialize in illusion magic. Although, seeing as reports have shown the constrictors killing some of the citizens of Cudford, it seems highly unlikely that the serpents are trained to obey commands. The presence of the constrictors is enough, however, to act as a dissuasion from crossing the border into Cudford. So, while it is possible that Cudford magic played a role in their development of illusion magic, there is no evidence to suggest Cudford has any sort of control over the constrictors.

Average Intelligence

Shifting constrictors are often hailed to be smarter than the average serpent, because of their adeptness at stealth—and employment of tactics during their hunts. Typically, shifting constrictors will move through the rainforest trees using their well-muscled bodies to scale the trunks and move agilely through the branches. Even though they don’t make a sound while moving, the most experienced constrictors have learned to only make slight movements when stalking prey, as the movement of a stray branch could send a deer or rabbit bolting away. After stalking its prey, a constrictor will typically slowly slither out of or descend from it’s hiding spot in order to get behind its prey. Once it has succeeded in this regard, it will lunge forwards—a feat in itself—and land on top of its prey, attempting to use its wait to restrain it. Once it has successfully done this, it will begin to wind itself around the unfortunate prey and squeeze with force akin to 24 psi. If the prey does not die to the force, the constrictor—although nonvenomous—will bite the restrained prey and allow it to bleed out. Although, when a constrictor is not hunting, it will attempt to sun itself on a rock or high tree branch—in order to regulate its body heat.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In addition to their physical strength, the constrictors also boast innate camouflaging tactics. They have the ability to shift the color and are even able to shift their appearance to change the perceived texture of their scales. However, those who have come into contact with a constrictor and survived have revealed that although the texture of their scales may appear to change—when touched—they feel the same as normal snake scales. This has lead to speculation that these constrictors are born with an innate sort of illusion magic which helps them to camouflage themselves in the wild. Making this constrictor even more dangerous is the fact that it is completely and unfailingly silent. Furthermore, it appears to have a small—but constant—aura around it with effects similar to the Silence spell used by the casters of Tourceia. This aura—while making the constrictor unrivaled in stealth—also makes it especially dangerous to casters whom have no other means of defense. If the constrictor is able to wrap around them, not only will they be unable to cast verbal spells, but other people nearby will be unable to hear their cries for help.
Scientific Name
30 years
Average Weight
Average Length
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by