The Everfrost Armor

The Everfrost Armor. An impressive magical artifact, the cool beauty of this armor is only outshone by the tales of its deeds.
— Adran Sagespirit

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Unfortunately, the armor has not been in use since King Rolland Rime died in 63 B.R.H. and thus, many of its properties have not been studied extensively. What little information we do have comes from myths and legends—so it would be wise to take the information with a grain of salt.
— Adran Sagespirit
  The Everfrost Armor's main power lies in its magical ice properties. According to legend, the thick layer of ice covering the armor is capable of regenerating infinitely—boosting the protective properties of normal armor and allowing its user to withstand a multitude of attacks. This magical ice is also said to be able to be molded by the user into weapons—or even projectiles. Further, the armor is also enchanted so that, even though the exterior of the armor is numbingly cold, the user will be at a comfortable bodily temperature at all times. The armor also has healing properties, using the regenerative ice to heal its user's wounds—and is even known to be able to regenerate limbs. Finally, the armor is known to be able to be compressed into the sapphire which resides in its center. This allows for the user to be more discreet while not necessarily sacrificing protection.

Manufacturing process

While little detailed information on the manufacturing process of the Everfrost Armor is available, legends say that it was forged using dwarven steel at Mabnon—the legendary Allforge of the dwarves. This process is said to rely on the collaboration of many dwarven smiths in order to operate the forge, which is rumored to tap into powerful magic in order to heat metals that no other forge can. However, the recipe of Dwarven Steel is unknown as it is a heavily guarded trade secret of the dwarves.   Unfortunately, the manufacturing process of the Everfrost Armor does not get any clearer during the enchanting of it. King Rolland Rime is said to have locked himself in his workshop for weeks on end, not even leaving the room for food. It is rumored that he used powerful ice magic in order to craft the armor and it is even said by servants that the hallway outside of his room froze over at times. Though due to the secretive nature of the manufacturing process, it is highly unlikely that the Everfrost Armor could be replicated.


The Everfrost Armor was originally commissioned by King Rolland Rime—who is typically remembered as one of Blania's greatest monarchs. Its base layer is made of hardy steel produced by the legendary dwarven blacksmiths of Mabnon—the Allforge—said to be located in Zeme's Backbone. The magic of the Everfrost was imbued by King Rolland himself using an enchanting technique lost to time. The enchantment allows the Everfrost Armor to grow forever regenerating ice that never melts and is even said to be able to molded by the user. King Rolland originally commissioned the armor to allow him to defeat Slardztractucts the Blizzard—a white dragon who terrorized Blania. After defeating the Blizzard, King Rolland used the armor primarily as a prosthetic, allowing him to use his left arm which had been destroyed previously in a fight with Slardztractucts. He wore it until his death, and is said to be buried with the armor—as nobody has seen it since.
King Rolland Rime and Slardztractucts during the Battle of the Blizzard


While it is certainly a powerful piece of armor, and a significant feat of magical craftsmanship, the Everfrost Armor's true significance lies in its symbolism as a national icon for the Kingdom of Blania. To some, the Everfrost Armor serves as a symbol of Blania's neverending strength of will—which regenerates as quickly as the armor's ice. To others, the armor represents the adaptation of Blania's people—turning the ice against the Blizzard. Yet, it also represents the golden age of Blania. An age of glory, of power, of fortune—an age of prosperity. It represents the strength of their leaders, who were able to create such a masterpiece. To the people of Blania the Everfrost Armor wasn't just what King Rolland used to slay the dastardly Slardztractucts—it was what King Rolland used to solidify Blania's status as a global force to be reckoned with.
Creation Date
147 B.R.H.
Current Location
Owning Organization
The Everfrost Armor was a one of a kind suit of armor created especially for King Rolland Rime. There are no other duplicates of the armor that are known to have been produced.
Raw materials & Components
  • Dwarven Steel
  • Magic
  • The Fires of Mabnon
  • Dwarven Smithing Tools
  • Powerful Magic—presumably of healing and icy nature