BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


10th of Mati, 670 AOM

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The World of Adrulon, forged by the fire and creativity of the great Primordials lies scarred and used by their usurpers, the Prime Divinity. The Primordials, the Dawn Titans formed Adrulon from its broken and battered self into a land of paradise and chaos, water and stone began to overtake the ancient world, and great beings fought over dominance until the rise of new beings created from such chaos came about, Gods, old gods. Gods of the seasons, gods of change, gods who sought to understand their natural-born magic, and who were killed by these Dawn Titans due to their threatening Power. Civil Wars killed off the primordials, and the Divine found their way from hiding, to expanding, and to learn, creating their own beings, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and other beings were created, and the most powerful of the Gods grew stronger and stronger until their power was too large to go unnoticed. Other tribes and civilizations began to see the excess of gods at their disposal, declaring theirs to be the truest, and the greatest, and war began to once again consume the world, The War of Seven. The Seven separate pantheons would see their destruction and their errors and an agreement was had, to leave the material and watch from afar. The Divine Concord was signed, and many of the gods ascended to their palaces beyond the material, however, some remained, The Forsaken Divine, gods were driven by greed who sought to rule and conquer, who were eventually driven away by the champions of the Gods themselves. At the age's end, all that remained was Ember and pain, and as the world looked to rebuild, so it left. Adrulon remains as a scared world, where magic runs rampant and Kingdoms are built upon blood and bone. Conquerers are bound by deals to terrible creatures, and the war continues to rage. Heroes are so rarely found in this world, as most seek simple coin or to ascend themselves to godhood, however, the potential remains in the world for any hero to come..