Ascension of the Brothers

After the Chainbreaker Wars, the brothers Aurelios and Kaxtros founded a great empire that spread across most of the continent. After centuries of ruling, the brothers quarrels grew too great- rather than split their empire and war upon one-another, they embarked on a quest. They were never seen again, but it is said on their death two new moons joined the sky- the blue moon, Aurelios, and the red moon, Kaxtros.

Variations & Mutation

There are records that indicate that the Ascension occurred at the end of the Chainbreaker Wars, but also after. Scholars are unsure of whether the Brothers' quarrel occurred at the end of the Wars, before the peaceful centuries, or afterwards. It is agreed that the appearance of the brothered-moons Aurelios and Kaxtros coincides with the disappearance of the Brothers.


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