Clear Mine, Troubled Wolf

A day had passed since that odd family of adventurers had departed the mine, leaving Aelryk of Melnb to clean up the mess. Aelryk had directed the mercenaries under his command to bury what bodies they could, and toss the rest into the chasms of the mine. They complained, but they did their jobs. Better to clean up the dead than be one of them- and they were all quite sure there would've been casualties if Aelryk hadn't persuaded those adventurers to take care of the 'dragon.' How odd, that there were so many different kinds- not like the slumbering beasts that remained to him.   A call rang out from the front gate of the mine, and Aelryk grabbed his blade. It was heavy- Aelryk knew he was weaker than he should allow himself to become in this strange land, but he was tired of fighting. Wetting his blade is what had gotten him lost, banished to this strange kingdom.   There was a trumpeting from the gate- that'd be him, one of his 'employers:' Sir Konrad of Osterheide, such a loathsome man- not that the other 'noble' knights of the Black Rose were better.   Several squires wearing leather armor and black rose tabards scurried about ordering the mercenaries into place when Aelryk arrived.   "Well, 'Aelryk,'" the noble greeted him, pronouncing his name as if it were some foreign insect caught in his throat that he was trying to dislodge. "It seems that you're competent after all. Mildly, at least. I understand that you let some outsiders to do your work for you. Not very honorable-" Aelryk chuckled aloud at this, causing Konrad to pause, narrowing his eyes. "Do not push me, Wolf." They both knew it was a bluff. The master of the Rose placed too much value in Aelryk]Aelryk's continued 'service' for Konrad to try anything- not that Aelryk was worried for his life. He had the skill and, more importantly, the power to quickly deal with Konrad, his squires, and the dozen mercenaries present. But Aelryk was loathe to call on such power- he was not sure that he wanted the eye of his Lord to fall upon him just yet.   "- the taxes?" Aelryk was shaken from his thoughts by Konrad's questioning glare. "What?" "Pay attention when I speak to you, Wolf. Do you have the taxes that you've collected thus far? Your men tell me that you've collected the road toll from a goodly number of folk passing through." "It's gone," Aelryk shrugged. "What?! What do you mean, gone?!" "It has departed my possession. I paid those 'outsiders' for their work." "500 krowns?! For some slipshod bladewielders to cut down a few rats in a nest?!" Aelryk shrugged again, infuriating the knight. "If the master did not place such value on your head, I would strike you down now for such insolence!" "The mine is clear and the beasts are dead. The job is done," Aelryk stated and walked past the knight. "You wait right there!" Konrad grabbed Aelryk's cloak, arresting his departure.   There was a pause- a moment that they both knew could spell disaster. The moment dragged on, both men halted in their movements, waiting to see what the other would do. Konrad's eyes were open wide, his face frozen as the fury of being dismissed so easily and the panic of realizing what he had done fought for mastery over him. Aelryk felt the weight of his blade greater than ever before. It hungered. It keened quietly in its scabbard, whining and rattling. It would be so easy. Everyone stared, the tension in the air was palpable. The air crackled with a storm of potential violence.   The moment passed. Konrad let go of the cloak.   Aelryk of Melnb turned toward Knochenburg, and didn't look back.
Dated 01/28/22


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