Disconnected from the Colony

A vision, scene of the Fated. Information recorded in the Journal of Vyssothys.   Since my exile from the colony, I must rely solely on my own mind for information and memory. While mine is more than adequate, if I wish to fill it with my arcanery then I must ensure other information is not lost in possible mishaps. Thus I begin this 'Journal.' An imperfect method, but it needs suffice. --- Since my disconnection from the colony, I have noticed that I... retain... certain aspects of my meals. It is not unpleasant, except for the occasions where I am subject to their own mewling cries and pains as I feel my own tentacles wrapped around their skulls, my mouth boring a hole to their brain. Perhaps this is another lost art of my wayward people- their reliance on a central pillar of intellect to sync with, the Elder Brain of the city, means that they do not 'suffer' these memories. They are fascinating, I desire more. --- A band of 'adventurers' has found their way into my lair. I welcomed them, and had distinctly interesting conversation. It is 'nice' to have 'intelligent' company to speak with, on occasion. One of my previous meals was a 'baker.' My guests enjoyed the biscuits that I had made. I refrained from devouring any of their brains, as I had recently fed. --- BETRAYED. That cursed ELF has BETRAYED me. I offer succor, and in kind am repaid with the disclosure of MY LOCATION, my continued EXISTENCE, to the ELDER BRAIN in the city of the World Below. That cursed creature will pay. THOL of E, I will come for you. --- Something has happened. My plans, foiled. I had intended to foil their plans, but when I entered the Sea of Dreams at the pivotal moment of the adventurers' battle that cursed elf... he *transformed* into something brilliant, a great bird of flame. I was burnt, scarred- I was forced to flee. --- Time is against me. If I am to have my revenge I must find a way to extend my existence. I burn. I hate. It is an invading EMOTION that is alien to me. --- Long. I have left it too long. I have achieved a measure of immortality, just enough to see my goals through. But it is too late now. He has passed from my sight. --- Tonight I dreamt. This is alien to me, but after the cataclysm in the Sea of Dreams perhaps all my people now dream. But I saw through the eyes of my past victims. And through their eyes, I assemble the truth. Perhaps my revenge is not lost. --- Tanelorn. I search for this name, but it is unknown to all. A silver city on silver shores. --- I have found him again. A different face he wears now, but his purpose the same. How fortunate am I, that he is one of those that stands in the city. Once a hero, always a hero. --- He is close now. I will call to him. The trap is set. I will not take him for my purpose- I will take one close to him. Any of the godtouched will do, and eternity shall be mine- no longer will I need bow to the she-bitch of the Sea.
Dated 01/31/23


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