
Elves are the descendants or, depending upon whom you ask, the creation of the First Elves. Having retreated to their great cities hidden away in the corners of the Land since the fall of the First Elves’ empire, with few exceptions they keep out of the way of the other races. High Elves live in the magical city of Qintarra, sitting impossibly on the top of incredibly huge and ancient trees in a forest shrouded by mist. Elemental servants cater to its people, and Qintarra’s Varda Guard patrols the skies on Giant Eagles. Wood Elves exist in the tree-city of Valenaas, where they coax the trunks and branches of the Elfwode to form beautiful, natural walkways, dwellings and open-air platforms. The branches are filled with the song of woodwind, and hunts of the strange creatures below are common. Dark Elves lair in the great cavern-city of Tezralla, where bioluminescent lichen and mushrooms help to illuminate the mazed multitude of streets that surround the Great Pillar, where the House Matrons gather. The Unseelie Queen Lolth, whose realm touches the space of the World Below, sends gifts and assassins to the city in equal measure, as her strange fancies wont. Eladrin live in the realm of the fey, a world not entirely in sync with the land from which they fled. They dwell in castles made of starlight, trodding along neverending paths of ivy, and live in lands of eternal twilight. Creatures of intense emotion, they personify the seasons themselves. With the exaggerated features they are at once beautiful and terrible to behold. They continue the ancient elven practice of Vertos, stealing human infants whilst replacing them with changelings, then raising the children as their own- the result is an Elfborne.


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