Order of the Black Rose

An order of Knights in Anslaugh, it's headquarters at the Knochenburg.   An ever increasing presence along roads of Anslaugh, they enact high tolls on whomever would cross their "territory." Though the tolls are high, the Black Rose has no shortage of recruits being that they have dedicated a lot of manpower towards making the roads and region much safer. They currently opened and operate two mines not far from the Godstear Mine.   Said to be loyal to the Reichronn and Crowned Prince Balthasar.   Current leader is Lord Broxlith, however the current commander is unclear as Sir Konrad has pursued arresting the lord for treason, though has not managed to capture him. There appears to be a bit of a civil war brewing with the clear hostility of the two major powers.
Military, Knightly Order
Notable Members


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