Regent Berthold II

Former Regent of Anslaugh, he had rose to the position following the brutal murder of the royal family- where every man, woman, child, and therefore succession, was wiped out in a single night. Some even say he may have been involved with that terrible night.   During his decades of rule, Berthold II empowered the guilds of the city, upsetting the noble families- many of which had run the city since its founding. Many approved of his policies, supporting that the guilds were egalitarian and all were equal, though their master was coin. Their rising meant innovation- but also a disruption in order and day-to-day life. Others thought that the nobles should rule- after all, they were raised from birth to do so, and to care for those that were their responsibility. Who cares if the noble houses ran the city, so long as it ran?   This all changed when a long-lost scion of the royal family returned to claim his birthright. Crown-Prince Balthasar, first of his name, was at a celebration given by the Regent at the Reichronn, when traitors attacked and slew Regent Berthold II.   The traitors fled, and now it is up to the Crown-Prince to lead the city, in spite of the anarchist murderers that wish to throw the city into disarray. This is the official story that the city's criers call. Some bards, however, may sing a different tune...   Fewer still may have heard whispers that the former Regent may still live, having fled for his life from the forceful and violent seizure off office orchestrated by the Crown-Prince's advisor, Caeryn.


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