The Final Rising of the Red Moon

Deep in the catacombs beneath the temple of Harrow Schaftord, Valther Shau sat deep in prayer, his thoughts on the waxing of the red moon Kaxtros. The priest of the Winged Scythe, Guide to the dead, was troubled. Whispers from Binzhaubra's Hill had been that the tomb of That Which Slept had been disturbed, and Valther was concerned that he knew whom was at fault- those campaigners, the OsterRats. He had kept this information to himself- for if the followers of the Guide knew where blame lay, they would undoubtedly strike against the campaigning group.   But now, his brow dripping with sweat, Valther sought answers to another puzzle. He had been visited by his Harrow and was given a warning- "the Wheel Lays Still, the Hub is Broken- the Souls of those Passed No Longer Renew. The Brothers Shall Wane."   He did not know what to do, for it had been decades since Schaftord had visited anyone but the Final Breadth- and they were away, visiting the knightly order at Knochenburg.   And so Valther sat in fixed meditation, praying upon what could be the final rising of the Red Moon.
Dated 08/29/22


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