The Twilight

Location of the Crystal Castle and home to Starlit Imryc. The Twilight itself being (at least a part of) the Feywild, created by the First Elves.   Inhabited by the Eladrin, elves of twilit stars, though they are not native to the Twilight and are instead regarded as "guests." Eladrin visit Advaen from the Twilight, sometimes stealing children.   Not much else is known of the Twilight, and what little information Tyffany has found appears to be centuries or even millennia old. Any information is far and few between, and she is not sure what are even credible sources outside of her connection to Starlit Imryc.   Per the Mindflayers located under Anslaugh Keep, the Twilight is exactly 0.76 off the mortal plane.


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