Watcher of the House

Agathe took another pull from her wineskin. It wasn't a bad job, really. Sit around town, keep an eye on the house, report back to the camp if anyone came snooping.   The only downside, of course, was Aegylwulf. Bastard thought just because the Warduke gave him a nod meant he was the second coming of Harrow Horam.   But now- she let out a heavy sigh- now people were poking around, asking questions about the house. That should've been enough, to Agathe's mind, to head back and tell the boss. Get some serious heavy hitters out here- or maybe those facestealers.   She shuddered at the thought- they were unnatural, alright. She remembered one of them winking at her, but its eyelid went the wrong way. That unnaturally wide, toothed grin. Agathe shook her head to clear the shivers.   Back to business. Aegylwulf, idiot that he was, was in charge. He'd ordered the crew together to head to the house. He wanted glory. Agathe just wanted to live, and live well.   But there they were, some ratcatcher fucks, breaking into the house- nosing into someone else's business. Too bad for them, they were gonna lose those noses.
Dated 12/01/21


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