
Former member of the Order of the White Hardt and Knight Commander of the Knockenberg.   She left the Sovereign Land and the Hardt after 'winning her retirement' in a duel against Galdahar (prior to his time as Justicar). She made her way to Anslaugh, fought under Regent Berthold II (usually against Caladon to the south, but sometimes against Illdenstern to the west or the northern tribes), became a commander of the Knochenberg garrison in Lusche's Grasp, where Osterheide & Rats' Rest is.   Woedyce swore her sword to the regent Berthold II, though she 'never had time' to go back to Anslaugh Keep to renew her vow to the Crown-Prince Balthasar. She is sworn to Anslaugh, just not to it's current ruler.   Her loyalties to the Crown were suspect for some time since the ousting of the Regent, ending in her eventual capture and imprisonment for treason against the Crown. She claims the evidence showing she was defecting to Caladon was forged. However, she was found guilty and sentenced to execution.   Though she was saved at her execution, Galdahar still declared war on Anslaugh, after she was not freed and returned to their service. She, however, does not appear to think highly of the order or feel loyalty towards them.    She remains loyal to the Tanic Order, the loose organization that Roth, Malthazar, and Ramne were/are a part of.
Aligned Organization


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