
An adventurer is not an officially recognized title for a position. It would technically qualify as freelance work in some places. A person may save up the necessary funds to travel as they see fit or gain funds from a wealthy sponsor who has a specific task for them to complete.
Many people feel this call to see what is beyond the orders of their homeland. King Alexander of Thira often hires adventurers to accompany ambassadors on diplomatic missions to other nations in his own quest to form peaceful alliances.



  • At least 17 years of age
  • Their own form of transportation or the ability to hire transportation
  • Basic literacy
  • Stamina to walk long distances
  • Does not get seasick
  • Combat skills, not required but helpful

Career Progression

The more one travels, reputation is gained based on tasks completed and who assigns these tasks. If an adventurer is sent on a diplomatic mission, they can become more well known.

Payment & Reimbursement

Payment may depend on the quest and if an adventurer has a sponsor.
A wealthy benefactor may send them regular funds and reach out to their connections to assist in travel, places to stay.
At the end of a quest, there may be a reward of gold or a position/title of honor.

Other Benefits

Seeing areas of the world they would not normally get to see in every day life



  • Money
  • Food rations
  • Bed roll
  • Rope
  • Waterskin
  • Mess Kit
  • Weapons
  • Walking staff
  • Clothes
  • Tinderbox
  • Torch
  • Medicine


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