
Many myths and misconceptions surround fairies in Thira. They tend to keep to themselves so humans have come to their own conclusions about these creatures.

Fairies are usual gentle creatures devoted to nature and making the world beautiful. They can also be skilled in assorted forms of magic, including healing. If they are not naturally gifted with spells, they can create potions with ingredients found in plants.

While they are generally good and kind, they expect the same treatment from others. And they will not hesitate to curse someone who offends or harms them or someone they care about. Depending on the offense, curses can range from extended periods of silence, chronic pain, nightmares, bad luck, and more. Occasionally, these are permanent. But, it's mostly until the recipient learns the error of their ways.

Fairies like playing mostly harmless but inconvenient pranks. They'll swap a farmer's seeds so they will plant the wrong kind of beans. Or they'll temporarily change the color of someone's fruit or flowers. Lilacs have turned bright orange. Roses have stripes on their petals. Apples turn blue.

They usually play these pranks on someone they know, especially if they're having a bad day and need a smile. The other party will usually get a chuckle out of it and leave something shiny for the prankster. By the next day, everything is back to normal.

Basic Information


Height- about 2 feet tall for a full grown adult
Wings- resembling shimmery, translucent lace

Ecology and Habitats

Forests most commonly. A few fairies will live in their own communities in towns or cities but this is more commonly found outside of Thira.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Keen sense of hearing and sight, some have night vision
  • Magic- most common is nature magic, helping the plants grow. Some have natural healing abilities
Average Height
About 2 feet tall for a full grown adult


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