The Marriage of King Uriah V of Thira and Princess Juliana of Sidora


To arrange the marriage of King Uriah V of Thira and Princess Juliana of Sidora, binding the two lands in an alliance of unity and friendship.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The document is held in the National Archives at the Celestial Library in Ambergard City.

Historical Details


This treaty was just another in a long line of diplomatic marriages going back centuries.

Public Reaction

The public reaction to this document was mostly positive. But, there was a minority faction who supported Lady Pandora, who the King had had an affair with several years before. They had a child together and the faction of her supporters believed the law should have been changed to the pair could marry. However, Lady Pandora wasn't popular with the Court or, more importantly, the people.
Contract, Civil
Authoring Date
1518 AL
Ratification Date
1520 AL


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