The Royal Guard

One of the most elite positions a member of the Thirian military or civil services can achieve is being chosen as a member of the Royal Guard. To live and work at the Wolfshire Palace in the capital city of Ambergard, sworn to protect the monarch and nobility. A smaller force often travels with the monarch when they must attend to business in other cities of the country or even on diplomatic missions.

  To qualify to apply, a member must perform a minimum 10 years of service in the City Guard (Thira's police force) or any of the branches of the military. They must have a clear disciplinary record of at least the past 5 years. They must agree to live in the barracs ajoining the palace grounds during their service- with regular leave granted based on how long they've served, carried over from their time in their previous service. And, they are granted family leave (paid) in case of an emergency. (i.e. tending to a sick family member, attending a funeral)  They're also granted paid maternity/paternity leave for a year and a half.

  Those selected pledge a minimum of 5 years to the Royal Guard, with the option of extending their contract.

  A member may be given special consideration if they are proficient in fighting styles and/or magic. Sorcerers among the Royal Guard are in charge of upkeeping protective charms around the palace and Parliament Building.



Members of the royal guard are selected from other military or civil forces who have served at least 10 years to take on the duty of guarding the monarch and nobility.


The history of the Royal Guard is long and detailed. The official founding was in 970 After Lyonos, just a few years before Ambergard became the official capital of Thira. But, some sort of protection force ever since there has been a monarch in Thira.
970 AL
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 5, 2024 23:21 by Marjorie Ariel

An important job, indeed. I'm not surprised they have strict requirements for joining. I'm interested in knowing more about them. Do they wear uniforms? And what is their day to day life like? What are the biggest threats?