The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is the hideout of the notorious Crow Gang, a band of thieves renouned throughout Thira. But, it is more than that, as is the group who resides there.

The Sanctuary is located in a clearing in the middle of the Thieves Forest, just outside of the village of Crowstar. Around the clearing, there are protective charms designed to repell those who intend harm to the residents.

Everyone has a task here to help out with the management, usually based on their skills and knowledge. Cooking, gardening, medicine, fishing, hunting, bartering. Everything to avoid going into the larger towns and cities to steal.

If anyone needs escape, whether from a toxic home environment, persecution, or anything like that, they come to the Sanctuary. And, as long as they are able to put in the work and help, they are given a place to stay. Which comes in handy in times of major civil unrest, like a rebellion.

The biggest rule residents of the Sanctuary must follow is the rule of tolerance. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, has different beliefs, are even different species. Humans, faries, half giants, elves. In order to maintain a peaceful and sustainable environment, everyone must learn to set aside preconceived prejudices in order to live and work together. If that cannot be done, the person or people are turned away and the magic on the wards are adjusted to keep them from returning.




Clearing in the middle of a dense forest. Water accessible from a nearby spring or the river bordering the woods to the west.

Natural Resources

Wood from the forest surrounding the clearing, game also from the forest, fish from the river to the west of the forest, herbs and flowers in the forest.
Founding Date
1530 AL
Camp, Temporary
About 250-300


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