Vincent Blackstar

Sir Vincent Blackstar

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Vincent was born, it was believed, at least by his mother, that he would live a life of privilage and honor. As befitting the son of a king. There was just one problem. His father was not yet king. He was the prince and heir apparent but the reigning king Uriah IV, Vincent's grandfather, was still the ruler. And by the law, his parents would have to be wed in order for him to be included in the succession. No matter. Either they would be wed or, when Vincent's father became king, he would change the law.

A household was arranged for Lady Pandora and her son. A lovely manor house overlooking Basin Park, mere blocks from the palace. And, Prince Uriah would visit nearly daily to make sure his son had all he needed. He was very devoted to his son. However, he was also a very practical man and knew he could not marry Lady Pandora. He had to marry for the sake of the nation. But, he also adored her and knew the conversation would be difficult to have.

  When Vincent was about 2, King Uriah IV died and, the following summer, King Uriah V took the throne. He ensured that Vincent and his mother had places of honor in the procession and Lady Pandora ensured that she looked like the queen she expected to be, much to the disapproval of the court.

  As a part of the ceremony, Vincent was knighted and Lady Pandora was given the title of baroness in her own right, which was hugely progressive at the time. During the celebrations, Vincent slipped away from his governess and wanted to show his father something. When he saw the new King was deep in conversation with the Queen Dowager, Vincent slipped behind a curtain so as not to get in trouble for eavesdropping.

  "So, you're certain arrangements are being made," the Queen Dowager said.

  "Yes. Envoys are sailing to Sidora as we speak to speak to the princess."

  "And when are you going to tell the Lady?"

  The King sighed. "Mother, she has a name."

  "Regardless, when?"


  "She won't take it well. You've seen how she's peacocking around here like she already has a crown on her head. I told you not to get involved with her! She's too ambitious for her own good. And she'll ruin that boy."

  "No she won't," said the king. "It will take time but Vincent will understand. He's a bright boy. He'll go far in the kingdom, even if he can't ever be king. Just let me handle things. After everything settles down, I'll talk with her. You'll see. She'll take it with grace."

  Lady Pandora, in fact, did not. She raged and screamed and slapped Uriah hard across the face. She sobbed and begged him to change his mind. Find a way to get Parliament to change the law so they could wed. But, Uriah refused. The people would not accept her as queen. It was his duty to form an alliance through marriage. Perhaps he could find a spouce one day for Vincent and he would be king or prince consort somewhere else. In the meantime, he would provide for them both. She could have a position on his council if she wished. Vincent would have the best education possible, right along side any children he had with the princess, if she accepted his proposal.

  Vincent climbed into his mother's arms and dried her tears. She took a shaky breath and just nodded and the king walked out. "It will be okay, Momma," said young Vincent.

  "I won't stand for this," Pandora swore. "We will play along for a while, make him think he won, but I will fight every minute I can to make sure you are king. Until my dying day, I promise you."

  Arrangements were eventually made and King Uriah married Princess Juliana of Sidora when Vincent was about 8. He stood next to his father as junior best man. He started spending more time at the palace, getting to know his new step mother. And she seemed lovely. She was beautiful. She was always kind and attentive. But, according to his mother, you would think she was a horrid, evil witch bent on everyone's destruction. And, nothing that was done was ever enough. She accused the king of sending second rate tutors. Being gifted a family heirloom was compared to being given a second rate hand-me-down.

  When Vincent was ten, his half brother, Alexander, was born and things escallated until the king had enough. During one of Pandora's criticism tirades, the King shouted at her to be silenced. "I am doing my best. But, I need you to work with me. What do you want?"

  "You know what I want, what I've always wanted, and..."


  Lady Pandora bolted from the room, sobbing. Vincent stared, shocked, at his father and waited for an apology. But, he just shook his head and said, "This was a mistake. If I could rewind and do things over, I would," as he left the room.

  After that, Lady Pandora refused to come to the palace unless it was absolutely required. Vincent stayed and studied and did his duties but could never look at his father the same after that. He started to distance himself from his father and court life in general, doing the bare minimum.

Mental Trauma

Mental manipulation from both his parents.
Wolfshire Palace, Ambergard, Thira
Dark brown, squinty
dark with gray streaks, cut somewhat short,
Very tall
Devotee of Malhelene- goddess of violence


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Aug 5, 2024 11:59 by Shalyn

Awesome story! I was really interested in Vincent and was wishing I knew what happened to him later! Thanks for the good read!