Dagon Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Prince of the Depths, The Benthic Beast)

Dagon is a obyrith demon lord, also called Prince of the Depths. His realm is the 89th layer of The Abyss, and is known as Shadowsea. As one of the oldest demon lords in existence, Dagon is said to possess vast and forbidden knowledge. Dagon is one of the few obyrith lords that are still in power in the Abyss, mainly from his isolationist nature and his sheer power. The hostile nature of his realm also protects him from any invasion attempts by rivals. When the Queen of Chaos tried to rally the obyriths in the war against Law, Dagon was one of those who refused her call, and one of the few who escaped her resultant wrath, mostly because the Queen feared his power. After the fall of the obyriths, Dagon remained as he always was, safe and secure in his deep realm.  


Dagon's realm, Shadowsea, is the 89th layer of the Abyss. Shadowsea is an underwater realm with a seabed dotted with ruined cities, but without a surface. At certain points, if one ascends or swims upward, he will find himself surfacing on the 88th layer, which is the Gaping Maw of Demogorgon.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord


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