Grumbar Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Boss of Earth, Earthlord, Gnarly One, King of the Land Below the Roots, Boss of the Earth Elementals)

Grumbar, or the Earthlord, is the elemental embodiment of earth. He is one of the four elemental deities worshiped in Faerûn. Grumbar, like the other elemental deities (except Kossuth) has a minimum of followers in Faerûn, and he cares little indeed for most of those worshipers, as his power comes from the many elemental devotees in both The Underdark and the Elemental Plane of Earth. It was recently uncovered in the wake of the Spellplague that Grumbar was not a proper deity at all, but rather a Primordial. Nonetheless, he retains worshipers and has power equivalent to that of a god.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity, Primordial


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