Helm Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Watcher, the Vigilant One, the Great Guard)

Helm is the ultimate guardian, the ever-vigilant sentry who allows nothing to compromise his duty. Often seen as cold and emotionless, he appears as a giant man in full plate armor. In truth, Helm is simply a stern disciplinarian dedicated to his appointed task. He is fond of children and more tolerant of their minor infractions than of anyone else’s. Many believe that Helm would give his own life to guard something entrusted to him. He is silent on the matter.     Helm has always borne a heavy load, symbolized by his omnipresent suit of armor. As the eternal sentry, he knows that the end of the world will inevitably come on his watch. Nevertheless, he serves without complaint, willing to make any sacrifice to protect his charge. Thus, Helm is implacably opposed to the machinations of Bane, Cyric, and Shar, whose insidious plots eternally threatened Faerûn. He also fights the unbridled fury and destructive impulses of Garagos and Talos at every turn. Helm is not amused by the thievery or jests of Mask, viewing the Lord of Shadows as simply another threat to be defeated. Of the good-aligned deities, only Torm truly understands Helm’s unbending commitment to his charge. Relations between the Loyal Fury and the Vigilant One are strong, enough so that the two churches have grudgingly begun to heal the rift between them, at the command of their respective deities.
Divine Classification
god of guardians, protectors, protection


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