Ingo the Drover’s House
Ingo the Drover has a reputation as a good source for guards, marines, and muscle when sailing through difficult waters. Ingo tries to keep a low profile and avoids taking sides in any conflict, but if he comes under pressure, he can be compelled to throw in with one faction or the other. He has a good friendship with Eliander Fireborn . The two sometimes meet for a drink and share stories of their experiences in the military.
Ingo's estate is part supply depot, part barracks, and is a hive of various activity, from construction to martial training. The compound consists of the main house which is an older manse undergoing renovation, a large barn, a training grounds, and a smaller house in the rear that serves as a barracks. Ingo's mercenaries guard the place and train there. They also keep chickens and livestock and have a small farm.