Lady of Pain Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Lady of Pain

(a.k.a. Her Serenity, Her Dread Majesty, The Bladed Queen, or simply The Lady)

The Lady of Pain is the enigmatic ruler of the city of Sigil. Not much is known about the Lady of Pain, because few in the city ever see her, and those who do never speak to her, or rather, she never speaks in answer to anyone. She has been seen hovering over the streets of Sigil on many occasions. Those who have tried to interact with her at such times found their skin erupting in bloody wounds when she gazed upon them. It is not considered a good sign if she is heard to be about in the streets. Those who have seen her and lived to tell of it described her as being ensconced in sparkling blades. Eventually, she would vanish again into nothingness. She is only a lady insofar as she is characterized as female in her countenance. The Lady may as well have been male or sexless, or such a type that traditional gender classification is impossible.   The Lady of Pain is not a deity, even if she is as powerful as one, she has no temples and no worshipers, yet still exists. In fact, she refuses worship. Those who try to worship her are found with their skin flayed off. She is by no means kind or compassionate, however she is not necessarily cruel either. She seems to care about little more than maintaining the status quo of her city. She has no interest in simple squabbles among her citizens or normal crimes such as burglary or murder. She only cares for things that might upset the balance or security of the city.   The Lady of Pain is a being of intense power. So powerful that she can block the gods and goddesses from entrance into her city. Only servants of the deities can pass through Sigil's many portals. She can close or open these "doors" to anyone, but she usually does not bar anyone beyond the gods.  


According to the great wizard Mordenkainen, the Lady of Pain had some sort of connection to The Raven Queen, another enigmatic character. It is said that only the Lady of Pain knew the Raven Queen's true intentions.   The Lady is served by a strange race of creatures called the dabus. Like the Lady of Pain, the dabus never speak, but they communicate her will by forming mystical images of word-pictures. The dabus never leave Sigil and likely cannot leave Sigil. They act as workmen to maintain the infrastructure of the city and occasionally appear in numbers to punish rioters.
Divine Classification
Unknown God-like entity


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