Heavy Frigate (Storm Division) the LNS Baeron Silmaeril
- Captain - Jacquis Windsom
- Commander (First Mate) - Cedric Woodleaf
- Leftenant Commander (Second Mate) - Sam Ashglade
- Ship’s Mage - Master Evoker Tempus Threewell
- Leftenant (Navigator) - Lewyn Pepperbog
- Leftenant (Quartermaster) - Eris Starfall
- Midshipman (Bosun) - Rand Derrick
- Warrant Officer 1 (Cannoneer) - Carin Kestrel
- Warrant Officer 2 (Surgeon) - Thomas De Pulver
- Chief Petty Officer (Yeoman) - Hork
- Petty Officer (Helmsman) - Joseph Hilless
- Leading Hand - Lane Morningfall
- Lance-Corporal - Brunhild Truegust
- Able Rate - Jack Winsil
- Able Rate 2 - Dulor Deepgulf
Accompanied by a platoon of 40 of the Lord's Maritime Regiment of Foot (Marines)