Pazuzu Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Pazuzu is a powerful demon lord, called the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms. He rules the skies above all layers of The Abyss. He is sometimes known as Pazrael or Pazuzeus. Pazuzu's lair is Torremor, a tangled mass of beams, pinnacles, arches, ladders, and other structures, held together by rope and chain. Torremor is located on the 503rd layer of the Abyss. However, Pazuzu spends most of his time on Pazunia, the 1st layer of the Abyss. In his true form, Pazuzu is a 7' tall well-proportioned humanoid with four wings. His face combines the features of a handsome man and a hawk. His hooked beak is filled with sharp teeth. He has a noble brow, a large head, and glowing red eyes. His avian feet have long, sharp talons. He wields a powerful magic greatsword that grants him great speed, and can breathe swarms of locusts and acidic, poisonous clouds. His genitals are of legendary proportions, and he prefers not to contain their meaty bulk with clothing.   Pazuzu is one of the oldest Demon Lords of the Abyss, as he is one of the few surviving obyrith demon lords. While the Queen of Chaos was in power, Pazuzu remained an independent demon lord. This saved him during the tanar'ri revolt against the Queen of Chaos, as he was not affiliated to her. Following the tanar'ri conquest of the Abyss, Pazuzu was quick to adapt with the change. This has manifested in several ways: While most obyriths, having been conceived out of the Abyss's chaotic will itself, have characteristically bizarre physical appearances, Pazuzu appears as human-like as any tanar'ri.


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