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(a.k.a. The One and The Prime)

The god of Modrons, Primus is lawful neutral aligned. Its realm is the city of Regulus on The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus. Primus rises from the communal energy pool in its great tower at the center of Regulus. It usually appears as a gigantic humanoid, though it can also take the form of an androgynous human if desired. When Primus is in giant form, its hands are masked— the right one is swathed in bright, rainbow hues and the left is cloaked in inky, swirling clouds. Primus speaks all languages. It gives orders to the secundi but takes them from no one. Primus is a greater deity of the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus and the ruler of the entire modron realm. Primus and Regulus are one in thought and deed; as Primus turns, so do the wheels of the city, and thus, the wheels of all Mechanus.   Primus alone understands the whole structure of the modron race. It is Primus who decides what constitutes order, writes the laws, and establishes the rules and regulations. All other modrons exist to carry out their deity’s plans and obey its rules. Any modron who fails to meet Primus’s standards may be declared a rogue and sentenced accordingly.   Primus’s sole concern is for the modrons. It does not send avatars to other planes or even take part in the normal bickering and wars that occupy the other planar powers. Though it does use The Orrery to keep track of events on other planes, it rarely interferes unless it sees a direct threat. It devotes most of its energy to perfecting and protecting Regulus and its inhabitants.   Though Primus technically has few actual worshipers, since only the secundi are even directly aware of its existence, it does influence the lives of all modrons in many ways. Primus grants divine spells, domain powers, and domain spells to all the Hierarch Modrons. Indirectly, it also controls all modrons, since its orders filter down through the modron ranks until they reach the proper level for implementation.   Contrary to popular belief, the death of Primus does not throw modron society into chaos. Like all gaps, that vacancy is immediately filled by promotion of a secundus. That creature immediately gains the powers of the old Primus, but not its memory or its plans. Thus, it usually takes a bit of time for the new Primus to determine the state of the planes and of Regulus and decide what needs to be done. During this period of adjustment, some chaos can enter the perfection of modron society. Some scholars have mistakenly interpreted this situation as civil war within the orderly modron race, but it is merely confusion resulting from the temporary lack of direction. The first act of the new Primus is to restore order to its race— a process which can take some time.

Divine Domains

Law, Order, Modrons
Divine Classification
Greater Deity


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