The Bleak Eternity of Gehenna Geographic Location in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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The Bleak Eternity of Gehenna

Gehenna is the plane of suspicion and greed. It is the home of the Yugoloths, which dwell here in great numbers. A volcanic mountain dominates each of the four layers of Gehenna, and lesser volcanic earthbergs drift in the air and smash into the greater mountains. It borders The Gray Waste of Hades and The Nine Hells of Baator.   Gehenna consists of four planar layers; each layer consists of a pair of huge volcanos floating in space, joined at the bottom to form massive "earthbergs", hundreds of thousands of miles tall. Smaller mountain-shaped and -sized chunks of earth also float through Gehenna, occasionally colliding with the primary earthbergs. The first layer, Khalas, is a hot and fiery place, but the volcanos gradually grow colder as one passes through the layers; Chamada, the second layer is the most tolerable, the third layer, Mungoth, is a cool place, while the fourth, Krangath, is icy and dead.   The rocky slopes of the plane and strange gravity make movement here difficult and dangerous. The ground inclines at least 45 degrees almost everywhere. In places, steep cliffs and deep canyons present more challenging obstacles. Hazards include volcanic fissures that vent noxious fumes or searing flames.   Gehenna has no room for mercy or compassion. The fiends living here are among the greediest and most selfish in all the multiverse.   The yugoloths call Gehenna home, and are its primary natives, though they originally hail from The Gray Waste of Hades  - they dominate both planes, but in Gehenna their rule is more overt and in the Waste more subtle. The Tower of the Arcanaloths is also found on Gehenna. The leader of their race, known only as the General of Gehenna, moves his Crawling City from layer to layer according to his will. The City moves on thousands of fireproof legs and may climb the face of any cliff.
Dimensional plane


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