
Fidelia, otherwise known as “The City of Innovation” or “The City of Inventors”, is an idyllic, beautiful city that lives up to its name. The city was founded by early inventors who worshipped the knowledge god Oghma, and ever since the city’s inception, it has been Antarah’s leading center of innovation in all studies, primarily technology and the arcane. Fidelia is also home to two of Antarah’s greatest inventors, Maxwell Fenwick and Kimberly Cane.   Every four years, the city of Fidelia hosts an Inventor’s Exhibition for licensed inventors to show off their work. The Exhibition is a huge source of revenue for the city and is often where many of Antarah’s most famous inventions get their start.   Below Fidelia are a series of catacombs left there from the Long War. They are largely unused now.   When the Tulips came to town, Fidelia’s streets were unsafe. Some disease was infecting people within the town, turning them into hideous, hulking beasts. This was known as the second scourge of the Deadly Raven, an ancient disease that resurfaced thanks to the work of Henry Olmsted.   The Tulips managed to defeat this disease and save the city. More information about that can be found at the Fall of Fidelia arc summary.   Every year, Fidelia celebrates a festival known as Oghma’s Day, a tradition involving gifts and partying across the whole city.   Alongside Maxwell Fenwick and Kimberly Cane, residing in this city are also the Fortiers and Amihan.

Guilds and Factions

Fidelia is home to the most famous Inventor's Guild in Antarah. It is a city of innovation, and it prides itself in facilitating new ways to learn and improve society.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Innovation
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym


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