Arva The Loner

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Deep scare on the left of her face.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


From the small town of Branshade, Arva spent her childhood exploring the Donamon Woods, Shale Forest and Shale Mountains. Her father Karver, a half-elf, taught her the ways of hunting and living off the land and her mother Nikah, a human, showed her how to grow and plants and use herbs.  


Father - Karver (Half-Elf) / Mother Nikah (Human)  

Cause of her isolation

In the Bloomcrest of 255 RoU, Arva joined her father Karver for an evening hunt. They returned shortly after Night to their cabin just outside of Branshade, but Karver noticed something was off with his homestead. Nikah usually left a candle burning in the front windows to welcome her family back and never went to sleep until they returned. This time, unlike all the others, the cabin was completely dark. Karver instructed Arva to say out of sight until he investigated the cabin. As he walked into the cabin, Alva noticed someone striking Karver over the head, knocking him to the ground. As Arva screamed, the assailants turned their focus on her. With great struggle, Arva was able to break free from her attacker, but not unscathed. The blade from the assailant left a permanent, deep cut on the left side of her face; a constant reminder of that night's violent attack. Many days later, after building up the courage, she returned to her family's cabin to find the building ransacked and her parents "disposed of". When she reported the incident to the guards at Branshade, she noticed a few "shady" individuals who started to follow her. Thinking that the assailants may finish what they failed to do a few nights prior, she went into isolation, not knowing when or if the attackers will make another attempt on her life.

Mental Trauma

She doesn't remember her last name.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Logic. Emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and true, or our logical thinking. (Lawful)
  • Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble. (Neutral)
  • Personality Characteristics


  • I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who killed my family and might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them and avenge my family, once I figure out who they were.
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • I’m oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
  • I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.
  • I like keeping secrets and won’t share them with anyone.
  • I don't really like to sleep indoors, it makes me feel vulnerable and trapped.
  • Its rare for me to trust, but once I do, that relationship is very important to me.
  • Personality Quirks

  • I connect everything that happens to me to a grand, cosmic plan.
  • Social

    Social Aptitude


  • Its rare for me to trust, but once I do, that relationship is very important to me.
  • Arva is a young ranger woman who prefers a life of solitude but is not against sharing a campsite with a group of adventures, if anything just to share stories, experiences and maybe even some food and drink. She assisted a group of Champions in the Donamon Woods fight off a pack of hell-hounds.

    View Character Profile
    Lawful Neutral
    Date of Birth
    11th of Alher
    Year of Birth
    242 RoU 301 Years old
    Shale Range, Near Branshade
    Grey Blue
    Long Dark Brown
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Light Tan


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