

Once a thriving trade town during the times of the Traxius Alliance, Azule was best known as the cultural melting pot of the island. During the 16 Year War, the town was seized many times by both Waring factions, leaving the city ruined and uninhabited. The Great Kesser Army (GKA) rebuilt the town and repurposed it as its main headquarters for the Great Kesser Army in their operations in neutralizing the rebellion still festering in the northern regions of the Fray. Azule Eastern District is the only area open to the public at Azule without special permission.


Predominantly Humans and Elves. Most are members of the Great Kesser Army.


  • Led by a Duke of the Royal Uall Family
  • Relationship with Kesser Monarchy = In Good Standing
  • In the absence of the Duke, the Commanding General of the GKA takes control.

Industry & Trade


Azule is organized into four distinct districts:
  • East District - Location of General Trade
  • Barracks District - MIL-ONLY - Location of Permanent Party Military
  • Military District - MIL-ONLY - Location of Military Infrastructure
  • Camp Azule - MIL-ONLY - Location of Deployed Military

Points of interest


  • Old Azule
  • Kesser Army Azule Headquarters
  • Akril Paddock
  • Mezed Paddock
  • Camp Azule


  • Final Point Tavern
  • Mess Hall & Cantina (MIL Only)


  • Exchange Store & Imports
  • Standard Issue (MIL Only - Blacksmith)


Ajurn's "Traveling Alcoholic" Report

  • Large inventory of alcohol at a decent price.
  • Variety of spirits is low
  • The one tavern open to non-military is flooded with off-duty soldiers.
  • If an introvert, recommend renting a room and drinking in there.
Local Brews
  • High Tower (Malbec Wine) from Black Briar Vineyard
Founding Date
4 ToA
Military, Base
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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