Champions of the Fray


The Champions of the Fray are an elite paramilitary style mercenary/weapons for hire organization within the islands of the Fray who headquarters in an old castle between Kesserfell and Asmar. With special permission from the Great Kingdom of the Fray, the Champions support citizens with issues in exchange for payment. Being a paramilitary group, the Champions have three distinct divisions with specific responsibilities. The Champion Division receives work from citizens and organizations within the Fray in the form of contracts and performs said contracts for payment. Higher members within this division also are tasked with leading and recruiting new members. The Keeper Division provides administrative support to the Champions, such as contract generating/fulfillment, information and intelligence gathering, record keeping, armament and husbandry, and finally care and maintenance of Champions and property. The Warden division is tasked with protecting Champion's Citadel and safeguarding the other assets of the Champions. They are also responsible for investigating any internal matters.  

Hiring a Champion

To hire a Champion, simply submit a memorandum listing the issue and outcome you or your organization is wanting at the closest postage location. A local contractor at or near that location will respond to your inquiry shortly with a specified amount owed for the contract. Once the contract is paid to the Champions of the Fray, a member of the group will report to you as instructed and carry out the task requested.   Champions Contract Postage Locations can be found in:
  • Kesserfell
  • Asmar
  • Goldshore
  • Nethervale
  • Arkik Tower
  • Sommerland
  • Nam
  • Mort

Joining the Champions

  Due to the stringent hiring requirements, most members of the Champions of the Fray are sought out by the organization and recruitment events are mostly invite only. That being said, it isn't unheard of for unproven aspiring recruits to be given a chance at membership in the form of the Champion's Pledge. Success rates for pledges are extremely low and almost all, with some exceptions do not make it through the Champion's Pledge, even if the mission is successful. With the low success rate and extremely high injury/death rate of pledges, we highly recommend you consider if you are a good fit for the Champions. The People hire Champions to solve their problems, and Champions excel at solving problems, or die trying. There is no quitting a contract.  

Expectations of a Champion Pledge

  • Competent in their Field of Expertise (Above basic level and battle tested)
  • Ingenious and Resourceful (no dumb fighters)
  • Motivated, Determined and Useful
  • Not Comfortable with Mediocrity (only accept the best)
  • Fully Committed to the Guild
  • Honorable and Respectable
For More Information,    


Champion Division

The Champion Division consists of a four classes. Each class has different rank requirements, responsibilities, restrictions and privileges.
  • Class 0 Members - Ranks of Champion Associate & Champion Apprentice
  • Class I Members - Rank of Champion Journeymen
  • Class II Members - Ranks of Champion Defender & Champion Guardian
  • Class III Members - Ranks of Champion Master and Champion Chief

Ward Division

  • Class I Member - Rank of Warder Sentry
  • Class II Member - Rank of Warder Sergeant
  • Class III Member - Rank of Warder Marshall

Keeper Division

  • Keeper Class I - Occupation/Title
  • Keeper Class II - Occupation/Title
  • Keeper Class III -Occupation/Title


The Champions came out in a time of necessity. During the 16 Year War between the Great Kingdom of the Fray and the Traxius Alliance, guard and soldiers were unable to assist with the needs of the citizens of the region due to their role in the ongoing war. A group of older veterans and warriors banded together led by Lasko Verda to fill in the void as the Champions of the People. With a strict code of honor, ethics and a genuine care for the common man, these Champions soon became renown for being the best and most trustworthy warriors money could buy. As the 16 Year War came to a close and King Marxus Tevarial Uall was crowned, the Champions were disbanded. As the third year passed, multiple Dukes and Duchesses of the region joined together to formally request the King to permit the reforming of the Champions to assist with the needs of the citizens as well as to give some relief to the overwhelmed guards and military forces within their regions. The Champions officially reformed in 4 RoU under the name "Champions of the Fray".
Champions of the Fray Banner
Champion's Citadel Base Map Image
Founding Date
4 RoU
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Controlled Territories

Key Members ALL Champions should know.


  • Chief Jak Walker - Champions leader
  • Master Samus Toray - Head of Recruitment


  • Warden Sentry Tucker - Gate Keeper
  • Warden Sentry Esse - Champion's Quarters Sentry
  • Warden Marshall Union - Leader of the Warden Division


  • Keeper Class I Barla Yuel - Journeyman Contractor
  • Keeper Class III Torr Strydermoon - Lead Contractor
  • Keeper Class III Nalla Evergrove - Master Librarian and Historian
  • Keeper Class II Killak - Librarian and Historian Assistant
  • Keeper Class II Brutus - Blacksmith and Armorer
  • Keeper Class I Turk - Stable Worker
  • Keeper Class II Lizzie - Head Chef


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