Intoxication Guide


Basic Legend:

  • B-P/1 (Gold) = Base Price for 1 Drink in Gold Pieces
  • B-P/B (Gold) = Base Price per Bottle in Gold Pieces
  • Q/R = Quality Rating
  • A/R = Availability Rating
  • Index/1 = Drunk Index for 1 Drink
  • Index/B = Drunk Index for 1 Bottle
  • Source = Location of Distillery

Drunk Index


The Drunk Index is a Role Playing Tool designed to make drinking in the Fray more "interesting". Each player will have a Drunk Index Max Capacity or "Index Cap" based on the character's Max HP and Constitution Modifier. This Index Cap will determine the "Current State" of the character.  

Calculating the Index Cap

Simply multiply Total Max HP by the characters Constitution Modifier. This gives to total amount of drunk points your character has. This will also assist in knowing what condition or state of mind your character is currently in while drinking.  

Four Levels of intoxication

  1. Not Affected (Greater then 80% of your Drunk Index)
  2. Buzzed (Between 80% and 60% of your Drunk Index)
  3. Inebriated (Between 60% and 40% of your Drunk Index)
  4. Drunk (Between 40% and 20% of your Drunk Index)
  5. Blackout Drunk (Below 20% of your Drunk Index)
  Example: Character has a Total HP of 100 and Constitution Modifier of 2, their Drunk Index Cap would be 200 DI.
  • Not Intoxicated - 200 to 151
  • Buzzed - 150 to 101
  • Inebriated - 100 to 75
  • Drunk - 74 to 20
  • Blackout Drunk - 19 to 1

Alcohol Variety

  • Every location that serves Alcoholic beverages will most likely have a lower cost/quality brew or drink avalible. It is also likely that they carry some of the more notable beverages depicted below, all varying in avalibility, quality and cost.

Spirits (Rum, Whiskey, Gin, Vodka)

Wines, Ciders and Meads

Rarities and Collectables (Most popular is Huntsman)


Modifiers and Effects of Intoxication


Not Intoxicated

  • Effects of intoxication have not set in.


  • +1 Temp HP
  • Advantage to all rolls involving Charisma, Deception, Intimidation, Non-Physical Performance (DM Discretion), Persuasion
  • Disadvantage to all rolls involving Investigation, Perception, Insight, Acrobatics, Physical Performance
  • Modifiers and Effects last 1 hour. Player moves to "Not Intoxicated" after 1 hour but keeps the total gained Temp HP.


  • +2 additional Temp HPs
  • +2 and advantage to all rolls involving Intimidation and Performance (not including Physical Performance)
  • Advantage on all rolls involving strength and Constitution and their respective skills
  • Disadvantage to all rolls involving Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity and their respective skills (DM Discretion), Also Physical Performance.
  • Disadvantage on Initiative rolls
  • Modifiers and Effects last 2 hours. Player moves to "Buzzed" after 1 hour but keeps the total gained Temp HP.


  • +3 additional Temp HPs
  • +3 Damage to Melee Attacks
  • +3 and advantage to all rolls involving Intimidation and Performance (not including Physical Performance)
  • Advantage on all rolls involving strength and Constitution and their respective skills
  • Resistant to being grappled
  • Resistant to physical damage done by non-magical weapons and attacks. (To include Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing)
  • Disadvantage to all rolls involving Charisma (except Intimidation and Performance), Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity and their respective skills (DM Discretion), Also Physical Performance.
  • Disadvantage on Initiative rolls
  • If knocked prone, there is a 25% chance a Drunk player falls asleep. For every turn a drunk player remains prone, the chance of the player falling asleep increases by 25%. DM Discretion for how the player may wake up once they enter drunk sleep.
  • If Drunk player is not in drunk sleep and their HP drops below 1, they will enter drunk sleep and return to 1 HP instead of starting death saves. Perk is negated if they are attacked while in drunk sleep.
  • Modifiers and Effects last 4 hours. Player moves to "Inebriated" after 2 hours but keeps the total gained Temp HP. Drunk player will be hungover for 8 hours once they become "Not Intoxicated". If player performed a Long Rest while being drunk, they will be hungover for 2 hours after they complete the Long Rest.

Blackout Drunk

  • Disadvantage to ALL dice rolls. Take an additional -5 to all rolls involving Charisma (except Intimidation and Performance), Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity and their respective skills (DM Discretion), Also Physical Performance.
  • 25% Chance of losing and/or dropping an item
  • 25% Chance of being poisoned
  • 25% Chance of vomiting
  • If prone, 75% chance a Blackout Drunk player falls asleep.
  • If a Blackout Drunk player is not in drunk sleep and their HP drops below 1, they will enter drunk sleep and return to 1 HP instead of starting death saves. Perk is negated if they are attacked while in drunk sleep.
  • Modifiers and Effects last 5 hours. Player moves to "Drunk" after 2 hours but keeps the total gained Temp HP. A Blackout drunk player will be Chonically hungover for 8 hours once they become "Not Intoxicated". If player performed a Long Rest while being Blackout drunk, they will be Chronically hungover for 2 hours after they complete the Long Rest.

Hungover Condition Levels



  • Incur 1x level of exhaustion
  • 10% chance of vomiting while eating, drinking, or when encountering strong smells.
  • Irritable, -1d4 to Investigation, History, Arcana, Performance, Persuasion and Constitution rolls.
  • Disadvantage to Constitution Saving Throws.
  • +1d4 to Medicine, Intimidation, Survival, Religion rolls.
  • NOTE: Lesser Restoration will remove Hungover Condition and 1x level of exhaustion.

Chronically Hungover

  • Incur 2x levels of exhaustion
  • 30% chance of vomiting while eating, drinking, or when encountering strong smells.
  • Very Irritable - Disadvantage to Investigation, History, Arcana, Performance, Persuasion and Constitution rolls.
  • Disadvantage to Constitution Saving Throws.
  • +1d4 to Medicine, Intimidation, Survival, Religion rolls.
  • NOTE: Greater Restoration will remove Chronically Hungover Condition and 1x level of exhaustion. Lesser Restoration will reduce condition level to Hungover Condition but will not remove 1x level of exhaustion.


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